Monthly Archives: November 2017


  Zainab did a presentation about poverty and it was really good because it fits in with our topic of world hunger.  Zainab was so confident even though she was a little nervous. – Amina.

This week, we planned, wrote and practised our class assembly.  It was a lot to do in a week and we were soooooo busy!

We made banners for our class assembly to go along with our solutions part. – Arhum.



We filmed clips using the green screen and pretended we were starving people in countries all over the world. – Arhum.  #DIGITALLEARNING

We practised our assembly in the hall and made sure we all knew were we were to sit and stand. – Mimi.


We finished our art collage.  It looks amazing because it is colourful and made of all different materials. – Mujtaba.  #COLOURFULCOLLAGE

I made an iMovie for the assembly and it included images and clips of everything. – Zeenat.

We got a massive applause and everyone has said we were amazing.  We had a party today with crisps and chocolate to celebrate.





Maidah presented a PowerPoint to the class on Monday about image.  She taught us that we should not try to copy other people, be ourselves and love ourselves. – Laiba.  #LOVEYOURSELF

 In Mental Maths, we learned a new method called pictorial representation.  Pictorial representation is when you represent a number using pictures.  – Mimi. 


On Wednesday morning, we had music and we were practising for our assembly next week.  We are getting better at our performances. – Dilya.  #MUSICALPERFORMANCE

 We had visitors from Valencia and they gave us a maths challenge based on our novel study: Harry Potter.  We had to work out how much petrol Harry would need to travel from Earth to Mars and back.  It was super super hard and it took us ages to get the answer.  Even Miss McCue and Mr Stewart got it wrong a couple of times. – Zarah.  #LOL

Mrs Rooney is a volunteer for the charity,  Mary’s Meals.  We learned who Mary’s Meals are and how they help hungry people all over the world.  #ASIMPLESOLUTIONTOWORLDHUNGER 


In groups, we wrote a script for a role play for our assembly.  We are going to act out our scene infront of the green screen which will becaome a clip which we will show at our assembly.  It was hard at the start but then it was fun. – Arhum.  #DIGITALLEARNING  #LITERACY

Mimi presented a PowerPoint about Vets and Doctors.  She told us that vets help sick animals and doctors help sick humans.  Mimi said she wants to be a vet when she grows up because she loves animals and wants to make them better. – Aibak.  #CAREER


On Thursday afternoon, we were making a collage of different art pieces for our topic – World Hunger.  We used glitter, paint and different coloured materials.  It was fun and messy! – Maha.

On Thursday afternoon, some of us went to Square Park with Miss Kinloch to litter pick with children from the nursery.  The nursery children were so hyper but so cute.  I loved it. – Maidah.  #BUDDYING


We performed TED Talks for our Debate League this morning.  Zarah, Manahil, Fareed, Mimi, Aibak and Amina all spoke about different topics.  Amina spoke about her love for art and said, “When you get a pen and a piece of paper, you can get rid of your stress.” They were so interesting and then we asked them questions about their topic. After that, we debated as a class on the issue of Young Carers. – Zeenat. #INSPIRATIONAL

Week beginning 06.11.17

On Monday Morning, Hafsa presented a powerpoint to the rest of the class about hunger.  We learned that women are more hungry than men because they don’t go out to work therefore they don’t earn money so can’t buy food. – Laiba.

We used a tape measure to measure each other’s height then we drew a line graph on paper using this information.  We converted centimetres into feet and inches.  Then, we used the Numbers App on the iPad to make a line graph of this information. – Maha  #MATHS  #DIGITALMATHS


We read Chapter 5 of Harry Potter which is called Diagon Alley.  We discussed setting description and, for homework, Miss McCue asked us to use adjectives to describe a setting we know. – Zarah and Hussain.










On Tuesday, some of us went to The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland to check out what type of facilities they have and find out what shows they are putting on.  The next show they are putting on is The Jungle Book.  We took part in a workshop and we made costumes then dressed up to show what art is like in Space. The lady working there said it is the best place to study arts in the UK. – Maidah  #ARTS


For PE on Wednesday, we took part in football drills to improve our passes and we learned how to dribble the ball. – Mujtaba.









Manahil presented a powerpoint to the class about young carers.  This was really interesting because a lot of the class had never heard of a young carer before so we learned new things. – Dilya.



For our Debate League, we debated on gender following on from Primary 7’s amazing assembly on Thursday.  We debated on why women should be in the army or not and also debated the pay gap between males and females.  We were either on the proposition side or the opposition side.  When we had a point to reply to someone, we said ‘point of information’ which would allow us to say our argument. – Eshaal.  #GENDEREQUALITY


Halloween Week

This week was a very busy week.

On Monday, a guest called Jen came in from Live ‘n’ Learn and taught us about growth mindset.  She told us how to work in groups properly and we put together jigsaws. – Mimi.

Tuesday was Halloween and we all dressed up and had a parade in the hall.  After this, we had a party in the class with juice, crisps and chocolate. It was so much fun! – Eshaal  #SPOOKY

We had music on Wednesday morning with Mrs Pattie.  We were using coloured notes to create a melody to go along with our rhythm and lyrics of our hunger song.  – Aibak  #CREATIVEMUSIC

For PE, we have started football.  We learned different passes which were similar to the ones we learned in basketball.  It was really fun and I’m looking forward to playing an actual game of football. – Hafsa  #PATCHRONALDO

On Wednesday afternoon, we created a bar graph to display the results of our survey on how much food children in the upper classes waste at dinner time.  We found that our class had the most food waste but we think that the other classes weren’t being truthful. – Manahil.  #STOPWASTINGFOOD

Fareed created a powerpoint on stocks and money and presented it to the rest of the class on Thursday morning.  He explained why you should invest some of your money in companies so that you make a profit.  I enjoyed when Fareed was explaining the colours on a line graph and that you wouldn’t want to be in red because that means that you’re losing money and not making money. – Zarah.  #FAREEDTHEBUSINESSMAN

On Thursday afternoon, we learned how to use the Numbers App and made our own bar graphs on the iPads.  It is really cool because you can turn the graphs into 3D. – Maha.

We had a circle time to speak about the importance of including people.  I liked having the time for us all to sit and chat and want more circle times. – Dilya.

We went to the outdoor classroom to read our Harry Potter book.  It was nice because we got fresh air and it was peaceful. – Fareed.  #CHILLING