Our learning this week …

This week has been super busy but awesome. Here’s some of the things we have been learning .

We worked in groups of three to take notes from a fact file on an energy source.  We then presented each of our energy sources to the rest of the class and they took notes on our presentation.  It was a bit scary and some of us were shy but we tried our best and presented really well.

We were learning how to round and estimate in mental maths.  It was fun! Zarah was teaching us her strategy.


In maths, we learned about the properties of quadrilaterals and triangles.  We know that some triangles have different lengths of sides but in every triangle, the angles add up to 180 degrees.  For fun, we became detectives and solved some triangle crimes.  We managed to solve both mysteries and put Mr Right Angle and Miss Scalene behind bars. We all got Dojo points for being amazing detectives!

On Tuesday, Mr Stewart taught us how to edit photos on the iPads.  We worked with partners and changed the filter on some pictures.  We also learned how to crop pictures and change the background of pictures.

With Miss Brooks in science, we learned about plant growth and we planned our experiment in our jotters.

In PE, we learned different passes that we can use in basketball, netball, football and rugby.


We had an Eid party on Thursday after school.  We danced to music, played games and had some snacks – it was fantastic!!


On Friday, we had a visitor in who was teaching us how to debate.  We worked in groups to make mind maps. of reasons why the summer holidays should be longer and why they should be shorter.  We then debated this and then voted.  3 people in our class think the summer holidays should be shorter but most of us think they should be longer so that we can sleep more, spend more time with our families, go on holidays and chillax!!






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