Face painting!
For our writing this week we were writing instructions on how to paint your face like a clown.
We even tried it ourselves after following a tutorial on YouTube. Looks like we have some very talented face painters in P2/3. We were able to write some great instructions on how to paint your face like a clown using bossy verbs.
I think Ava may be the happiest clown in the world! Beautiful <3
Happy Halloween!!
Some amazing Halloween costumes on Tuesday! we had a great time at our Halloween party.
Looking good!
Mental Maths
Lots of hard work and continued perseverance in mental maths this week.
P2/3 have been working with concrete materials to create arrays. We can solve tricky maths problems with our partners. We grouped together different materials to help us work out division problems. We know how to group items together to work out multiplication problems too!
Very impressive!!
Outdoor Games
We had so much fun with outdoor games on Thursday. We faced challenging obstacle courses and mental maths challenges to create number bond sums to 20 with only a certain amount of cards. Lots of solid teamwork and hard efforts by all meant that all teams completed the challenges successfully.
Amazing effort P2/3!
We then faced another tricky challenge. We had to work together to fold the tarpaulin as small as possible WITHOUT ANYONE COMMING OFF. We all managed to complete this challenge and worked so well in all of our teams. Well done P2/3.
You are all little stars ⭐️ are shining during the day xx. Very well profiming tricky tasks 👍keep it up 😘