“I’m Out of my Depth”

I know from conversations I’ve had over the past week that many of you in the senior phase are finding the transition from one level to another very challenging.  It’s understandable to have these thoughts and frustrations as you come to terms with a course that is way more demanding than the one you studied last year.  The important thing is to acknowledge how you are feeling whilst taking assertive action to overcome these feelings.

Could the following help?

  • Speak to your teacher (or any member of the department) about how you’re feeling and ask for advice
  • Use the resources being posted on this blog to help you better understand the content covered in class
  • Attend Mr Gray’s Maths Clinic for extra support
  • Assess your learning to date and create an action plan to target the areas you’ve struggled with

Remember that the department cares passionately about you and your learning so please don’t hesitate to use our support.

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