Orcastra Òg Practise Files

Mrs Pearce has made practise files for Orcastra Òg’s new pieces.

While you are practising, you can play along with your part played more loudly so you can follow it. When you feel more confident, you can play along with the full orchestra, or with your part missing completely for an extra challenge!

You can also print off another copy of your music if you have misplaced the original.

Click here to see the files.

Busking for Nepal

The Busking Fiddlers were busking in Glasgow City Centre today to raise money for UNICEF’s Nepal Earthquake Appeal. In just an hour and a half, they raised £675.

£84 could provide 20 blankets to help protect children made homeless, £55 could provide emergency water kits for 5 families and £24 could provide two vaccine carriers to keep children safe from disease – so there’s no doubt that their donation will provide help to hundreds of people.

The Busking Fiddlers hope to busk again at the weekend to take the total over £1000. In the meantime, you can donate to the Nepal appeal here.