Monthly Archives: May 2015

Visit from Coláiste Feirste

Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu was visited by 31 pupils and staff from Coláiste Feirste, the only Irish-medium secondary school in Belfast. In a few weeks, a group of 15 S4 pupils will travel to Belfast to return the visit.

The Irish pupils gave a presentation to our fourth years about being proud of the language, marching to protect it and fight for legal rights. They then got a taste of shinty, Highland Dancing, Gaelic song and clàrsach playing from our pupils.

The pupils and staff got to know each other over dinner at McPhabbs and a ceilidh in the school hall. Our newly formed ceilidh band “Craicte Leis” provided the music at the ceilidh, and a camera-man from BBC Alba popped in to record some of their rehearsal.

A report on the visit, featuring lots of our young musicians, was broadcast on “An Là”, and can be viewed on


Gaelic Psalm Workshop

Alasdair MacPhee, a student at University of Strathclyde, came to lead a workshop in Gaelic Psalm singing for S2. Alasdair is from Stornoway, where he learned the tradition of Gaelic Psalm singing, and he has performed psalms on BBC Alba’s Alleluia.

Alasdair taught the pupils Psalm 46 to the tune Stornoway, and gave an insight into the history of Gaelic Psalm singing.

You can hear our pupils performing this Psalm as part of our school show, Gruth is Uachdar, on the 18th & 19th of June.