Tha @ColaisteFeirste an seo! Tha @bbcalba a' filmeadh sgoilearan ag ullachadh airson a' chèilidh a-nochd!
— Àrd-sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu (@SGGArdsgoil) May 28, 2015
Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu was visited by 31 pupils and staff from Coláiste Feirste, the only Irish-medium secondary school in Belfast. In a few weeks, a group of 15 S4 pupils will travel to Belfast to return the visit.
The Irish pupils gave a presentation to our fourth years about being proud of the language, marching to protect it and fight for legal rights. They then got a taste of shinty, Highland Dancing, Gaelic song and clàrsach playing from our pupils.
The pupils and staff got to know each other over dinner at McPhabbs and a ceilidh in the school hall. Our newly formed ceilidh band “Craicte Leis” provided the music at the ceilidh, and a camera-man from BBC Alba popped in to record some of their rehearsal.
A report on the visit, featuring lots of our young musicians, was broadcast on “An Là”, and can be viewed on