Primary to Secondary Transition



Transitions In

Lourdes Secondary School serves the communities of seven local primary schools:

  • Lourdes Primary
  • Our Lady of the Rosary Primary
  • St Monica’s
  • St George’s
  • St Marnock’s
  • St Constantine’s
  • St Saviour’s

The school also accepts placing requests from outside its catchment area. The estimated S1 roll for August 2018 is currently 280 pupils.

Stage 1: Visits to Primary 7 Classes by DHT and Pastoral Care (September/October)

The transition process begins early in Primary 7 with visits by Depute Headteacher and Pastoral Care teacher to each of the local Primary Schools to meet with Primary 7 classes. This first visit is generally very informal in nature and gives staff the opportunity to invite Primary 7 pupils and parents to the Information Evening in November.

Stage 2: Information Evening (November)

The next step in the primary transition is the Parents Information Evening in November. This is a huge event where parents and pupils from across the cluster and beyond are invited to Lourdes Secondary to gain an insight into our school. The evening caters to over one thousand people and involves interactive displays in the dining hall from each of our departments, a presentation from the Headteacher in the Assembly Hall about the vision and values of the school as well as giving pupils and parents the opportunity to visit classes and experience the style of teaching and learning that is enjoyed by S1 pupils at Lourdes.


Stage 3: Enhanced Transition Discussions with Primary Headteachers/ Pastoral Care and Support for Learning (February)

At this point in the year, Primary Headteachers are invited to Lourdes Secondary to discuss individual pupils in their Primary 7 classes that they believe would benefit from an enhanced transition. An enhanced transition will see the pupils visit the school on at least one additional occasion to meet with the staff that will be supporting them and to learn about important features and procedures during the school day. The aim of these additional visits is to alleviate some anxiety for pupils and make them feel more comfortable and familiar with their new school environment. These visits are often arranged for pupils with ASD, social anxiety or other specific barriers to learning.

Stage 4: Visits to Lourdes Secondary School Classroom Experience (February-March)

The next stage of the transition process is inviting the Primary 7 pupils to visit Lourdes Secondary to experience some classes. This year we have offered pupils classes in Art, Science and Drama. These visits see the Primary 7 pupils visit the school for an afternoon. They are guided around the school by S1 pupils and are accompanied by their own classroom teachers. Pupils appear to enjoy this experience and it again alleviates some of the concerns that they may have regarding the move to secondary school. Throughout the course of the year, staff from the English and Mathematics departments here at Lourdes have been visiting primary schools to lead lessons and share ideas with staff. This has helped establish common methodology and enabled staff to make a better judgement of the assessment standards of pupils.

Stage 5: Sharing of Information (March)

In March, Pastoral Care and Support for Learning staff visit the seven cluster primary schools to discuss each of the Primary 7 pupils. At these meetings information is gathered around the pupils’ working levels in literacy and numeracy as well as their key strengths and interests outside of school. Significant efforts are made to gain an understanding of pupils in all aspects of their lives so as to better support them in secondary. Here we learn about any medical or health conditions that need our attention as well as any on-going or historic involvement with the child from outside agencies and support workers.

Stage 6: Information Evening 2 (April)

The second Parents Information Evening is designed to outline the arrangements for the Induction Day visit in May and to provide an overview of the support arrangements that are in place for pupils upon their arrival at secondary. Much of the focus centres around introducing the MyTime curriculum to parents and explaining the role of the MyTime tutor in their child’s education. There will then be time made available for parents who wish to speak to Pastoral Care or Support for Learning staff.

Stage 7: Enhanced Transition and Induction Days (May)

Throughout the month of May, the pupils that had been identified as requiring an enhanced transition are invited to the school where Pastoral Care and Support for Learning staff will work with them and prepare them for their transition to secondary and the forthcoming induction days. The two day induction day programme takes place at the end of May and sees pupils follow an S1 timetable. By this stage, pupils should be in their new S1 classes and will get the opportunity to meet pupils from other schools.

Stage 8. Sharing Information/Arrival in August

Following the induction days’ time will be spent finalising support arrangements for pupils and ensuring that all relevant information is delivered to relevant members of staff. The aim is to make the transfer of information as smooth as possible and ensure that everything is shared with relevant individuals. We then hope that we welcome the pupils to Lourdes Secondary in August fully prepared for the years ahead.

Transitions Out

The Pupil Support team work closely with our partners in SDS, further education and business to provide as many potential pathways for young people as possible. Discussions with pupils and parents are a vital component in determining the direction a pupil will take when they leave school. The pupil support team ensure that pupils are provided with information on potential pathways. Pupils are given as many opportunities as possible in their senior phase to help them recognise their strengths and make good decisions about their future including:

  • Work Experience
  • College Open days
  • University Open days
  • Reach Programme
  • Careers Fairs
  • Employer Workshops
  • Careers interviews
  • Saltire Award
  • John Muir Award

The DYW team meet monthly to discuss vulnerable pupils who may need an enhanced transition. For some young people the first step can be to get them to start believing they have a future. At Lourdes Secondary we are committed to ensuring that all of our young people move onto a positive, sustainable destination which will lead them to build a happy, fulfilled and exciting life

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