Unit 3 Homework Sheet 5

Unit 3 Sht_5

HWrkSht 3_5

The Marking Guide has been made available. Use this where you are having difficulty, to help you understand the question better. Simply copying the answers from the Marking Guide will not help you learn, using it to help you understand the questions/ answers will.

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  1. The nervous system is made up of 3 main parts as shown in the diagram.N5 Unit3 Sht 5bUse the information in the diagram to answer the following questions.

(a) Which organ detects changes in the environment?

(b) Which nerve sends this information to the central nervous system?

(c) The brain sorts and processes this information and sends it down which type of nerve?

(d) Give an example of a response in the eye.

2.  The diagram below shows a cross section of a human brain.



b) Which part of the brain controls heart rate and breathing rate?

c) What is the function of the cerebrum?

d) Which part of the brain controls muscle coordination and balance?

4. The following table shows the average brain to body masses of several animals.

N5 Unit3 Sht 5da) In your jotter calaculate the ratio of brain:body mass of the frog.

b) Which of the animals in the table has the smallest brain compared to body mass?

c) On graph paper plot a line graph of Average body mass (x- axis) vs Average brain mass (y-axis).

d) Describe the relationship between body mass and brain mass.

e) A dog has a body mass of 12 kg. What would be the predicted mass of its brain?

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