Unit 3 Sht_4
HWrkSht 3_4
The Marking Guide has been made available. Use this where you are having difficulty, to help you understand the question better. Simply copying the answers from the Marking Guide will not help you learn, using it to help you understand the questions/ answers will.
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1. What is a meristem?
2. What biological process takes place at meristem sites within a plant?
3. Copy the followng statements into your homework jotter, arranging them into the correct sequence to show how unspecialised cells become a functional part of a plant. The first one has been done for you!
- New unspecialised cells become available at the meristems, the site of mitosis.
- The cycle continues for growth and regeneration purposes.
- They then form part of a permanent tissue which performs a particular role within the plant.
- These cells become elongated and undergo vacuolation.
- They become specialised (differentiated) to perform a particular function.
6. A bean seed germinated and grew a root. The root was marked with waterproof ink at 3mm intervals. The diagram below shows the bean when it was first marked and 48 hours later.
a) What was the increase in root length during the 48 hours it was marked?
b) Which one of the following statements correctly describes the growth of the root?
After a further two days growth, the root the spaces between the marks were measured and recorded as shown in the table below.
c) Present the data as a bar graph.
d) Draw 2 conclusions from the data.
7. The diagram below shows a magnified root tip. The diagram is divided into three regions, X, Y and Z. One cell from each region is shown.
a) Cells from region Y divide by mitosis. Which part of a cell controls cell division?
b) The cell shown from region Y is dividing. Which of the following cells shows the cell during the next stage of mitosis?
c) Cells from region X swell as water diffuses into them. Describe the difference in water concentration between the inside and outside of the cell.
d) What word is used to describe the diffusion of water into a cell?