Homework Information
In the National 5 written homework sheets, some questions have hyperlinks and these often take you to the appropriate page in this online textbook. Alternatively hyperlinks may help you in understanding what the question is asking. Click on the links, where available if you are having difficulty. For some questions in page hints may help you to better understand the question; click on the hint to reveal it.
Where drawing a graph is included in a homework exercise you will see the following information at the top of the page:
This Homework requires you to complete a graph on the GRAPH PAPER in your jotter. Use only a half page of graph paper for each graph. You should complete the graph on the graph sheet opposite the written answers.
Differentiated Questions
Homework questions are divided into more or less challenging. More challenging questions have been written in a red typeface. These questions are appropriate to students who can meet greater demands. The questions demand a deeper understanding or wider breadth of knowledge of the National 5 course content or are of more intricate problem solving nature. All questions in black typeface should be attempted, but the red typeface questions may require a little more thought. Your teacher can advise you on the challenge most appropriate to yourself.
There is a link to the answers for the homework, but this link is only available for authorised users.