Unit 1 Homework Sheet 10

Producing New Cells

HWrkSht 1_10

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Homework GraphThis Homework requires you to complete a graph on the GRAPH PAPER in your jotter. Use only a half page of graph paper for each graph. You should complete the graph on the graph sheet opposite the written answers.


1.What is the importance of cell division in a multi-cellular organism?


2.Which part of the cell controls cell division?


3.The photograph shows some cells in the root of an onion plant.


Cells X and Y have just been produced by cell division.


a)What process produced cells X and Y?


b)What happens to the genetic material before a cell divides?



4.The stages of cell division are shown in their correct order in the diagrams below.



a)Stage C would be followed by stage D. Describe what would happen in stage D.

Typical timings of the stages of a cell division process are shown in the table below.


b)What percentage of the total time for cell division is taken by stage C?


c)Use the data from the table to produce a bar chart showing the time spent in each stage of cell division.


d)Scientists can grow liver tissue in the laboratory. This is done by making a few liver cells divide to form a large mass of cells.

Why is it important that the daughter cells contain the same number of chromosomes as the original mother cells?


5. The diagram below shows a cell dividing.


a) Which of the following diagrams, A, B, C or D shows the cell during the next stage of the process?


                         A             B             C             D

b) How many chromosomes would be found in the body cells of the organism from which these cells were taken?


c) In your jotters describe what is happening in Stage B.

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