Holy Cross Primary School


April 2, 2020
by Miss Feeney

World Autism Awareness Day 2020

Good afternoon Primary 2! Today is World Autism Awareness Day. Every year on the 2nd of April the global community comes together to raise awareness of Autism and to help each other learn about what life is like for people … Continue reading

March 26, 2020
by Miss Feeney

The Rainbow Challenge – Spread Some Cheer!

Good morning p2! I was looking through BBC Newsround for something to share with you all and came across the Rainbow Challenge. People all over the country are putting lovely rainbow pictures in their windows at home to help spread … Continue reading

The Doctor will see you now…

February 7, 2019 by Mrs Marletta | 0 comments

Or nurse or health visitor or radiologist. Whoever you might want to see on your visit to the Primary 1 Health Centre, will be available so long as you book through our receptionist.

Primary 1 have been learning about the world of work. They have worked with staff to develop a health centre role play corner where they are exploring the different roles of people that work in this setting. They are using their drama skills to act the part of various health care professionals or patients. They are learning to take care of patients of all ages with all ailments. They are having a go at writing for a purpose when they book appointments, take patient notes, fill in records or write prescriptions. They are using fine motor skills to apply banadages, operate medical tools and swaddle babies. They are counting medicications and working out times for appointments. They are creating posters to inform patients of healthy lifestyle choices. They are doing all of this while communicating with each other, taking turns and sharing.


Along side this play area, Primary 1 children have the opportunity to explore sand and water play. They have been filling, pouring and measuring as they prepare to learn about weight and capacity.

I wanted to write a blog about all the learning and skill development going on in the play area as I’m sure if you ask the children, “What did you do today?”, they’ll reply “We played!”.


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