Holy Cross Primary School


Our Bonny Scotland by Primary 1c

January 31, 2020 by Mrs Marletta | 0 comments

We hope you enjoy this poem written by Primary 1c. We were inspired by all the learning we have been doing about Scotland and Scottish culture.

Our Bonny Scotland 

Scotland is good

Scotland is nice

Scotland is friendly

Scotland is warm

Our Bonny Scotland


Scotland is sunny

Scotland is wet

Scotland is snowy

Scotland is bright

Our Bonny Scotland


Scotland is castles

Scotland is mountains

Scotland is sandy beaches

Scotland is lochs and forests

Our Bonny Scotland


Scotland is music

Scotland is laughter

Scotland is braw

Scotland is people

Our Bonny Scotland


Scotland is beautiful

Scotland is brilliant

Scotland is fun

Scotland is home

Scotland is love

Our Bonny Scotland


Primary 1 Advent kindness

December 5, 2019 by Mrs Marletta | 0 comments

Primary 1 c have been thinking of ways to show kindness to others each day of Advent.

We have been inspired by the message of Jesus who asked us to “love one another as I have loved you”.

The  children came up with their own ideas of ways to show kindness such as helping others if they are hurt or lonely or stuck with their work. They also talked about keeping our classroom and school tidy. They suggested praying for people and smiling to cheer people up.




Autumn by Primary 1c

October 25, 2019 by Mrs Marletta | 0 comments

We hope you enjoy this Autumn poem which was written by Primary 1c. Each child contributed a line to the poem after being inspired by our Autumn senses walk, Autumn art work and other exploration of the season.

Autumn by Primary 1c

Autumn is red
Autumn is gold
Autumn is falling
Autumn is cold
Autumn is bright
Autumn is windy
Autumn is green
Autumn is gold
Autumn is crunchy
Autumn is nice
Autumn is fun
Autumn is orange
Autumn is yellow
Autumn is sunny
Autumn is beautiful.



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