Primary 5’s new topic is Natural Disasters. This week, P5a have learned all about tornadoes
In maths, we are learning to read bar charts for information so we studied graphs that showed the number of tornadoes across different states in America. Yesterday, we were able to read the graphs effectively and interpret the data to answer questions.
In writing, we are excited to be learning how to write a newspaper report. We know this is called a ‘recount’. Today, we became journalists and planned our first newspaper report of a tornado that has occurred in the United States (it’s just pretend!) Keep your eyes peeled for our final reports… they will be published next week!
This afternoon, the children LOVED taking part in the ‘tornado in a bottle’ experiment. We added a few ingredients to water in a plastic bottle, spun it around in a circular motion and watched the magic happen. They created something that looked like a vortex inside their bottle, making a mini tornado! I then filmed the children spinning their ‘tornadoes’ at different speeds to represent the diffferent stages on the Fujita damage scale.