Holy Cross Primary School


Welcome to P2A!

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Welcome to P2A!

My name is Miss Ely and I have the great pleasure of being P2A’s teacher for the 2017-2018 academic year.

I’m keen to keep the home-school learning exchange open so will be posting our activities at least once a week to keep all the Parents and Carers up to date with what is happening in P2A.

Just a few notifications to get us started:

  1. Our P.E. day is on Tuesday. The children should make sure they have their P.E. kit on that day and can leave it in school until the end of term.
  2. All clothing should be labelled with the children’s names. This helps us to make sure we send the children home with the same clothing that they come to school with.
  3. Homework is given out on Monday and should be returned on a Friday. If homework is fully completed and handed in, children are able to earn a Brag Tag for that week (more about Brag Tags to come but ask your children to explain what they are).
  4. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the office and make an appointment. I’d love to hear from you and am always happy to discuss your children and their next steps.

I look forward to showing you what we are doing in P2A over the school year and hope to hear from you soon.

Onwards and upwards,

Miss Ely

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