Monthly Archives: April 2020

Me in 1970

I can not believe it is taking me so long to post on the blog. I think, like everyone else, I think I can achieve more than I can. I’ve been reading, painting, working online, cooking and hoping for a time when we can all get back to school…..I’ve not been writing enough though!

I was having a wee think about all of you and found this picture of me when I was in primary 2. It’s a school photo and I am the only one not wearing a uniform (eek). I was thinking about how strange this is not going to school but also thinking about the things I would have done at home if it was in 1970 instead of 2020.

We had no technology, absolutely none. I think we still had a black and white TV or maybe we had just got colour. Mum and Dad both had jobs so someone would have had to stay home and look after us. Though at that time my Mum was a teacher so she would have been home too.

In those days we didn’t have as many toys, or books or games but it was fine we just made stuff up. My favourite games were; pretending I was a TV presenter and making stuff for the camera. ( there was no camera it was all made up). I’d put out my toys and get a clip board of paper and pretend I was a nurse or a Doctor and play at hospitals. I would ‘take a line for a walk’ on paper and colour all the gaps in. I would stare out the window and dream. Make things out of food packaging. Annoy my brother. We would pretend that the carpet was Lava and would have to get from one end of the house to the other without touching the floor. It was great fun…..This is a really hard time….but I think it maybe also can be a good time if you take time just to play, make things up and stare out of the window and dream.

Week Two


Hello how are you all in these inside times. I’ve been trying to get some work done but also trying to get on with working out how to stay inside without getting fed up. I’ve been cooking a bit, cleaning ..not too much…doing some exercise and watching movies. I’m hoping to do some painting and stuff too…also maybe learn how to use these blogs.

I’m really enjoying getting to know how to work ipads and blogs.

But mostly I’ve been thinking about all of you and how proud I am of you and all of the work you are doing to keep busy. Also especially how well you are all behaving inside.

It won’t be too long before we are all back together again.

Tomorrow I am gonna try and cook some of your recipes that are on facebook…..YUM here some of the wee stories I’ve been writing.

Fresh air and the seaside are the things I am missing the most.