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December Newsletter 2018

Dear Parents/Carers

December has arrived and the big count down has begun! The weather has been quite wet and windy up till now but beware I’m sure the snow is on its way. So remember to wrap up warmly.

Christmas is now upon us and the nursery will be busy getting ready. If you would like to help us decorate the nursery please speak to a member of staff. The dates for the parties and shows will again be on the back page of this newsletter.

We will also be holding our popular, “decorate a Christmas tree picture” competition. If you would like to help your child decorate a Christmas tree please speak to a member of staff for more information. There will be a small seasonal prize for first, second and third place. So good luck and get busy!!! Judging will take place on Monday 17th December.

Curriculum News

The children have had a busy and interesting learning time over the past weeks and you will be able to share this with your child when you see their learning journals. Please enjoy sharing in your child’s successes and achievements and don’t forget to add any interesting news or photographs from home.

Thank you

A sincere “thank- you” to all those parents who continue to support us in our efforts to create a quality experience for the children. Staff work hard to plan and carry out a programme of fun and interesting play experiences for your child. This takes time and effort. By sticking to our welcome and good bye session times this greatly helps us deliver this plan. Here are the times again:

Welcome times: 8.35-8.50a.m.  and     1.00-1.15p.m

Home times:     11.30-11.45a.m. and   3.00-3.15p.m. for children with brothers or sisters at school or 3.55-4.10p.m. for all other children


Children’s Show 3-5 Team  

Children will have a visit from Shoogly Road Productions in January 2019. Look out for more details. We find that to have a pantomime or show in December did not work so well due to the number of children who fall ill. By having this in January it is something to look forward to after all the festivities in the lead up to Christmas. The actual date of this is 11th January 2019.

 Christmas Play

Tickets for the children’s Sing Along Christmas Play will available from the main school office from Monday 3, December. Please see Danielle. Due to your wonderful support through the snack fund we will not be charging for these tickets. Two tickets per child will be given. However, our popular raffle will be on offer. Get your tickets on the day, and “Good Luck”

School Holidays for 2018—2019

Toddler Christmas Fun               Fri 6December

Christmas Show for Parents     Fri. 14 December

Christmas Parties                       Wed. 19 December

Christmas holidays                    Thurs 20 Dec—Wed. 4 Jan                (inclusive for Term Time children only) Extended hours families will stop

on Friday, 21 Dec.

Please note that school will stop at 2.30 on Thursday

20 Dec for Term Time children.

Return to school for extended hours : Thurs 3 Jan 2019    

Return to school term time:                 Mon. 7 Jan 2019


Second Mid Term                      Mon. 11 and Tues 12 Feb

In –service Day 4                       Wed 13 Feb


Easter Holidays                 Mon.1-12 April 2019

(Inclusive- for Term Time children)


Easter weekend                                   Fri. 19 –Mon 22 April (Inclusive for all                        children)

Return to school                        Tues. 23 April


May Day                                   Mon 6 May


In-service Day 5                       Tues 7 May (closed for all


May Weekend                           Fri 24 and Mon 27 May

(closed for all children)

Please note that school will close at 1.00 on Friday 28

June 2019 (Term Time children only)

Thank you

Mrs Evans and Staff