Dear Parents/Carers
October is here and with it the colder weather is moving in. Please remember to keep your child dressed for this weather. A jacket with a hood is good and warmer boots/ shoes or wellies are a good idea, especially as they will continue to spend time outdoors. Please encourage your child to hang up their jackets in the cloakroom as this helps us keep track of them. We are also encouraging children to become independent in their self- help skills by putting on their own jackets and shoes when going outside. This is something you could help your child with at home. We will also be encouraging good hygiene through flushing the toilet and washing hands after they have visited the toilet.
Parent Meetings:
These meetings will take place this month please book a slot with your child’s Key Worker.
Bedtime Story Bags
We hope to complete our programme of all children taking a story bag home for a bedtime story. Your child may choose a book and share it with you at home for a week.
If you have not joined the local library in Bridgeton please do so they have a great selection of books to choose from.
Parent Partners
We are keen to get as many parents as possible involved in our nursery – it is for parents as well as children! Many of our parents have spent time in the nursery and told us they really enjoyed it. We have a group of parents in our Early Words Talk sessions and this is going very well. We also hope to have a group of parents help us clean up our garden and prepare it for winter – can you help? Our parent’s Room in the extension is ready for parents to drop in for a chat and a coffee – it’s good to talk so please come along.
The photographer will be visiting the nursery this month- it’s a busy month! Look out for dates and times. Your child’s Key Worker will have these soon.
This is a tradition of our country. We will be participating in this with a day of fun activities and stories. If children wish they may dress up. However, we ask that your child does not wear any masks or small parts to their costumes. This is for health and safety reasons as well as the emotional wellbeing of all children. Some children are frightened by the level of change and surprise and some do not really understand the whole “joke” situation of ghosts etc. Thank you. These celebrations will be on Wednesday 31st October.
School Holidays for 2018—2019
In-service Day 3 Fri 12 October
First Mid Term Holiday Mon 15—Fri 19 October
(inclusive -Term Time children only)
Christmas Show for Parents Fri 14 December
Christmas Parties Wed 19 December
Christmas holidays Thurs 20 Dec—Fri 4 Jan (inclusive for Term Time children only)
Extended hours families will stop on Monday 24th December
Please note that school will stop at 2.30 on Thursday
20 Dec for Term Time children
Return to school for extended hours: Thurs 3 Jan 2019
Return to school term time: Mon 7 Jan 2019
Second Mid Term Mon 11 and Tues 12 Feb
In –service Day 4 Wed 13 Feb
Easter Holidays Mon 1-12 April 2019
(Inclusive- for Term Time children)
Easter weekend Fri 19 –Mon 22 April
(Inclusive for all children)
Return to school Tues 23 April
May Day Mon 6 May5
In-service Day 5 Tues 7 May (closed for all
May Weekend Fri 24 and Mon 27 May
(closed for all children)
Please note that school will close at 1.00 on Friday 28
June 2019 (Term Time children only)
Thank you
Mrs Evans and Staff