Dear Parents/Carers,
As we move into our last term of the year we begin to think about summer fun, growing up and moving on. We also begin to work towards all our children engaging in more outings. This is an enjoyable and valued opportunity for children to learn and grow. However, we need your help for these to happen, so please make yourself known to staff if you are able to help. Look out for more information soon. Also if you have any suggestions for an outing let us know.
Our Toddler Team will be busy exploring their world through their senses with music being the main interest.
The 3-5 Teams will be further exploring moving onto school and how to be a good friend. They will talk about their feelings and who to go to for help if they need it.
It’s good to talk – so join us in our parent’s room in the extension to chat about things that you are worried about or would like to share with other parents. Our first request was for parents to chat about their feelings of their child going to school.
End of Year Concert
The children will also be busy deciding what they would like to do for our popular end of year concert. We use this event to celebrate all children’s achievements over the year. We approach this time of year as a time of celebration and excitement for all children who will be continuing on their learning journey – some in another school and others back with us for another year. We look forward to sharing this lovely time with you. Date on back page!
Please look out for letters and appointment times for last parent meetings. These are a good opportunity to chat about your child’s time with us as well as the next steps in their learning and development. These start the week beginning 21 May, times to be arranged.
Diary dates for 2018
Return to school Mon. 16 April
May Day Mon 7 May
In-service Day 5 Tues. 8 May (closed for all
May Weekend Fri 25 and Mon 28 May
Fun Day Fri 15 June
End of Year Shows Fri 22 June
School closes for Term Time children: June 26 at 1:00p.m.