February Newsletter 2018


As of next week we will be starting plan four. During this plan we will be focusing on money and shopping. This will include learning about how money is saved and spent. The children will have the opportunity to visit local shops and will be learning about what is on offer within their local community. They will also be creating their own maps of the local area. Room one’s focus will be around the “bakery”, baking their own produce and starting their own small bakers shop. Room two will be using “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” story as a focus. They will also be learning about money and shopping but they will be learning about fruit and how it grows. They will be starting their own fruit shop. As always there will be ample opportunities for parents to get involved. Please see your child’s keyworker for details. 

  Children will be developing their skills and knowledge of the concepts of numbers and using them to organise their world. You also play a very important role in your child’s learning. Here are a few suggestions for this month:


  • Let your child help you when out shopping; can they count how many potatoes or apples you want and put them in a bag?
  • Talk about where you shop, what you buy and the money you need to buy things. Your child will have the opportunity to participate in educational outings during the months of February, March and April. All children in the 3-5 year rooms will be involved. These outings can only take place if we have parent helpers. Please let staff know if you are able to help. We would like to say a huge thank you to parents who have already taken part.


Our toddlers will be exploring new resources within the play room. A favourite at the moment is the new train set! The children have shown an interest in using pennies; putting them in their bags and pretending to go shopping. We will be expanding on this interest by visiting local shops to buy food for snack. They also have a huge interest in painting which will be a focus during this plan.



Please ensure your child has a change of clothes on their peg as we have a limited stock available. A change is always handy as the children are outdoors every day. Socks, pants and trousers/Joggers/leggings are of particular importance.


The toddler staff have asked that, if possible, children wear soft shoes without laces at nursery. This will help them become more independent. Also, if your child has a pair of wellies these would be useful to have at nursery.


Parent’s Groups

Our “coffee n chat” groups are up and running. Please come and join us. Coffee and a friendly chat with other parents will be available every Thursday in the Parent’s Room in the extension. Come on in, relax and chat.


PATHS Session – 3-5 Teams

The children would like you to join them for a PATHS session; this is very popular and really helps the children talk about and manage their feelings. Please speak to a member of staff about how and when you can come in for a short session with your child.


Diary dates for 2018


Easter weekend: Fri 30th March – Mon 2nd April inclusive

for all children.

Easter weekend: Mon 2nd April – Fri 13th April inclusive

for term time children.

Return to school: Mon 16th April.

May Day holiday: Mon 7th May (all children)

In-service day 5: Tues 8th May (all children)

May weekend: Fri 25th and Mon 28th May (all children)

Nursery closes for Term Time children: Tues 26th June

(at 1pm)

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