October Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers

October is here and with it the colder weather is moving in. Please remember to keep your child dressed for this weather. A jacket with a hood is good and warmer boots or shoes or wellies are a good idea, especially as they will continue to spend time outdoors. Please encourage your child to hang up their jackets in the cloakroom as this helps us keep track of them. We are also encouraging children to become independent in their self- help skills by putting on their own jackets and shoes when going outside. This is something you could help your child with at home. We encourage you to bring a bag with a change of clothes, socks and underwear as children are showing an interest in playing with the mud and puddles (we do provide waterproofs for planned experiences but children are very spontaneous in their play).

 Parent Meetings:

All 3-5 staff will be holding meetings with you on the week beginning 2nd October. Please make sure you have arranged a time with your child’s keyworker as each group has an allocated day.

PAThs Programme

 All pre-school children will be given the opportunity to participate in PAThS sessions on a weekly basis. Playroom 1 children will be either a Monday or Wednesday (ask Susan) and Playroom 2 children will be a Tuesday or Thursday (ask Ashleigh or Danielle). This will help children develop an awareness of their own and other’s feelings. There are home link sheets for you to share with your child and return to nursery, please take time to complete these with your child and return them to their keyworker to go in your child’s profile.

 Please remember that no food or drink has to be left in bags or the cloakroom areas as we have children with allergies

Parent Partners  

 We have a coffee and chat session each Thursday. If you wish to stay for a chat with other parents and carers please come to the Parent’s Room which is located in Playroom 2.  Also if you wish to join us for baking/cooking, playing out in the mud or any other experience, please just ask a member of staff.


We have booked a photographer and she will be in on November 21st for family photographs and returning on November 22nd to take individual children’s photographs. Please look out for more information coming in the following weeks.

 Hallowe’en Tuesday 31st October

This is a tradition of our country and we will be participating in this with a day of fun activities and stories. If children wish they may dress up. However, we ask that your child does not wear any masks or small parts to their costumes. This is for health and safety reasons as well as the emotional wellbeing of all children. Some children are frightened by the level of change and surprise and some do not really understand the whole “joke” situation of ghosts etc. Thank you.

Early Talks Together

Please look out for further information about this programme. This is all about having fun with your child.


Diary dates for 2017—2018

Halloween Party Tuesday 31st October

 Christmas Show for parents    Friday 8th Dec

 Christmas Parties                Friday 15th Dec

 Christmas Holidays      Thursday 21st Dec to 3rd January            (inclusive for Term Time children only)

 Please note that school will stop at 2.30pm on Weds. 20th Dec for Term Time children

 Christmas holidays for 52 week children – nursery closes on Friday 22nd Dec and re-opens on Wednesday 3rd January

Return to nursery for term-time children is on Thursday 4th January          

Thank you

Mrs Evans and Staff




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