Please click the link to register your child for P1
Please see the PowerPoint that was shared at our P1 Open Day in October 2024. Open Day 2024
Please click the video to watch Mrs Urquhart and Mrs Geddes reading ‘Tha Twiggle a’ dol dhan sgoil’ (Twiggle goes to school). The story uses the characters from the PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Skills) programme which some pupils may be familiar with from nursery.
Please see some information below on how you can prepare your child for starting in Gaelic Medium Education:
Anns a’ chlas bidh sinn a’ deanamh a h-uile rud ‘s a bhios iad ann an sgoiltean Beurla, ach ‘s e Gàidhlig an cànan a bhios sinn a’ cleachdadh.
Nì an tidsear cinnteach gu bheil thu a’ tuigsinn na tha a’ tachairt
Most of the time we do the same things in our class as they do in all the other P1 classes in the city, only we do them in Gaelic! There is no need to worry as the teacher will make sure you understand what is happening.
Tha e math ma bhios ur pàrantan ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig cuideachd oir bidh e gu math feumail dhuibh Gàidhlig a chluinntinn anns an dachaigh. Tha tòrr chothroman aca airson a dhol gu clasaichean air feadh a’ bhaile.
It would be great if your parents are able to understand and speak some Gaelic so that you can practise Gaelic at home. There are lots of classes throughout the City for them to learn.
Here are some useful resources: