Tag Archives: white water writing project

St Mungo’s pupils wrote a book!

Last week, our school was lucky to host the White Water Writing project.

This project is designed to help pupils develop their writing, editing and critical thinking skills by collaborating to write a book in just one week! Eight of our pupils were chosen to participate in this amazing journey, and they worked together to create a novel.

Glasgow University’s camp leaders provided the perfect atmosphere for students to flourish and explore their creative writing skills. The agenda was carefully planned out to ensure that each student had the opportunity to create characters, write drafts, edit and refine their work.

The camp leaders were dedicated in providing an engaging and supportive atmosphere for the pupils as they went through each step of the writing process. They were there to provide guidance and support when needed, ensuring that all students felt confident in their abilities. With this kind of environment, it was no surprise that the pupils achieved amazing results with their creative writing projects!


This book is the result of dedication and commitment from all involved, showcasing the power of teamwork and hard work. It is a testament to what can be achieved when you put your mind to something. The pupils have worked tirelessly on this project, and soon enough their hard work will be available in print for all to enjoy!

The White Water Writing project not only provided an opportunity for our pupils to hone their writing skills but also helped them build self-esteem and confidence. Not only did they learn how to collaborate with each other, but they also learned how to write a novel from scratch in just one week! It was truly an incredible experience for all involved.