Tag Archives: Reading Lists

Dyslexia Awareness Week

From the 2nd to 8th October 2023, Dyslexia Awareness Week  will be celebrating individuals with dyslexia from all backgrounds and walks of life. This year’s theme is Uniquely You, which celebrates the diversity of the dyslexic community and the rich variety of lived experiences of dyslexia. 

Barrington Stoke Logo which reads 'Dyslexia Friendly'To celebrate the week we’re spotlighting some of our new Barrington Stoke books in Whitehill School Library.  Each book has a dyslexia-friendly layout, typeface and paper stock so that even more readers can enjoy it.  Barrington Stoke publish a fantastic range of fiction and non-fiction books for all ages and interests, and there are lots more available in the school library.

Click the images to get a sneak peek of first chapters. 

The day the hiccups took overimage of book cover for 'the day the hiccups took over'

Frank has a big day ahead of him, with a trip to the dentist, a trumpet exam, a swimming contest and, most important of all, he has tickets to see his knitting hero on stage right here in his hometown! But all that is put at risk when Frank wakes up with the hiccups. And they just won’t STOP!  

Helped by his new friend Daisy, Frank tries ever more madcap ideas to get the hiccups to go away. But will the whole day end in disappointment and humiliation, or will Frank manage to turn calamity into a dramatic triumph? 

Book cover for 'Bertie and the alien chicken'Bertie and the alien chicken

Bertie is NOT looking forward to spending the summer holidays on stinky Long Bottom Farm. But things take an interesting turn when he encounters Nugget, the alien chicken. Nugget’s mission is to find the Earth’s most valuable resource and transport it back to Nurgle 7, and he needs Bertie’s help.

But what could the Earth’s most valuable resource be, and can they find it in time to stop the Nurgles exterminating the Earth?! 



Calling the walesImage of book cover for 'Calling the wales' by Jasbinder Bilan.

When Tulsi and her best friend Satchen spot something unusual in the sea near their home in Scotland, they decide to investigate. But little do they know how much danger they are putting themselves in. After rowing out to a nearby island, they become involved in a risky rescue mission and their boat capsizes in a storm. 

But just as they think all is lost, help arrives from an unexpected source … 

Image of book cover for Ravencave by Marcus Sedgwick


While mucking about in the ruins of an old farm while on holiday in Yorkshire, James hears strange laughter echoing around the walls. The ghost of a young girl appears to him and urges James to follow her but at first he’s too afraid. 

When she appears again, this time James follows. But will he be able to face the terrible truth she reveals …? 


Little womenImage of book cover for Little Women a retelling by Laura Wood


When you’re one of four sisters, it can be difficult to find your own identity. But that’s never the case for the March girls – sweet Meg, tomboyish Jo, shy Beth and precocious Amy. 

With their father away at war and their mother working long hours, the sisters have to look out for each other and make their own entertainment. Although disagreements arise, their strong bond, vivid imaginations and infectious sense of fun see them through the darkest of days in this timeless coming-of-age story. 


Image of book cover for Frankenstein: a retelling by Tanya LandmanFrankenstein

A thrilling gothic tale of hubris gone badly wrong. A young man’s search for the secret of the spark of life leads him to a horrific experiment in which he creates a gigantic creature from dismembered body parts. Rejected by his creator, the initially gentle creature turns monstrous when his desire to find companionship and love are thwarted. 

Tanya Landman revisits Mary Shelley’s classic Gothic horror story, bringing to life Dr Frankenstein and his monstrous creation in an accessible format that more readers can enjoy. 

The curio collectors

Image of book cover for The curio collectors by Eloise Williams

Lily, Tom and Ma Hawker are the Curio Collectors, travelling the country and enthralling crowds with their amazing collection of treasures. When an unusual piece of scrimshaw, a shell with delicate carvings, comes into their possession, it attracts the attention of a young maid, who is searching for a special shell that belonged to her mother. But another shadowy figure is also very interested in the scrimshaw, and it appears he will stop at nothing to get his hands on it.

Can the Curio Collectors uncover the mystery behind the carvings before time runs out?

Image of book cover for Dragonracers by Peter BunzlDragonracers

Kitty Hawk dreams of taking to the skies and competing in the world’s first long-distance air race. But little does she imagine that her first flight will take place on the back of a dragon! When Kitty and her brother find an unusual egg, the little dragon that hatches from it grows rapidly into a magnificently powerful creature that learns to fly with Kitty riding on her back.

Together, can they win the huge prize that’s at stake, and will their daring adventure bring Kitty closer to achieving her dreams?


LGBTQ+ History Month @ Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu!

Hi and welcome to our LGBTQ+ History special!

As you can see, we have displayed some excellent books which deal with LGBT themes or feature leading LGBT characters or protagonists. Some are more ‘obvious’ than others, but we hope there is something for everyone here!

Thanks to the LGBTQ+ group for their suggestions! There were some that even caught the librarian off-guard! We have put up some posters (see below) of some of their recommendations. If you can’t find them in the library, most are available on the Libby app (email gwmcgregormark@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk if you need more info on this!). We are always looking for more recommendations so please get in touch if you have any that haven’t been mentioned here.

The next update will be for World Book Day on March 3rd. We are hoping to have quizzes, giveaways and much more!

Italian Read Trip

Hello Readers!

“Habemus Italian Read Trip”! Yes, it’s finally finished!

It has taken weeks and I’ve involved Italian librarians, Scottish school librarians, Scottish English teachers and Mr Foschetti, who has made the wonderful map.. As you will read, this project was inspired by two of our amazing librarians, who have also supported me: THANK YOU!

One of the reasons why I’ve pulled this together is because many (if not most!) of our library assistants and school teachers have asked me more information about Italy, and were planning to visit it this summer. I thought to substitute the restaurants tips with books suggestions, I hope you will find the right match for you!

I have also thought of the Italy experts and added some questions for you to see how much you know.

Here is the flipbook: http://www.flipbookpdf.net/web/site/f748b808425ee11b127eedaf1f13f0e17eb67e8a202006.pdf.html#page/1

Enjoy your itinerant reading!

Fàilte gu Bloga Leabharlainn Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu!

Welcome to the Glasgow Gaelic School library blog page! I will be using this blog to keep everyone up to date with the goings on with the library whilst we are in lock down and without a physical library (and beyond).

Firstly, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I would like to draw everyone’s attention again to the Glasgow Libraries eLibrary feature which pupils can access using the number on the back of their library card and their PIN. I can provide both so please get in touch with me at gw19mcgregormark@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk if you need either. It is a great service and gives you access to a range of features including books, magazines, audiobooks and music. Here’s the link to the main page.

Secondly, the Glasgow School Librarians have gotten together and compiled a Lockdown Reading list for your enjoyment! There are some good reads in here for adults and young people alike. It can be found here.

Finally, I would like to take another opportunity to thank all of the pupils and staff at the school for making me feel most welcome in my first few months here and I hope we can continue to improve the library and its services into the next school year!