Tag Archives: Italy

Italian Read Trip

Hello Readers!

“Habemus Italian Read Trip”! Yes, it’s finally finished!

It has taken weeks and I’ve involved Italian librarians, Scottish school librarians, Scottish English teachers and Mr Foschetti, who has made the wonderful map.. As you will read, this project was inspired by two of our amazing librarians, who have also supported me: THANK YOU!

One of the reasons why I’ve pulled this together is because many (if not most!) of our library assistants and school teachers have asked me more information about Italy, and were planning to visit it this summer. I thought to substitute the restaurants tips with books suggestions, I hope you will find the right match for you!

I have also thought of the Italy experts and added some questions for you to see how much you know.

Here is the flipbook: http://www.flipbookpdf.net/web/site/f748b808425ee11b127eedaf1f13f0e17eb67e8a202006.pdf.html#page/1

Enjoy your itinerant reading!