Tag Archives: Grimoire

The Haunted Library

Halloween is Ms O’Neill’s absolute favourite holiday, so every year the Lourdes Secondary Library appears to get a little more spooky! This year saw the arrival of a new Library Assistant, who was very excited about their new job as they headed over on the bus, and generally started well, but does occasionally steal the Librarian’s coffee cup (an ill-advised choice, usually).In other news, the senior Library minions Jack (as part of his Caritas work) and Rene did an excellent job decorating the Library. The Halloween tree was a mass of cobwebs, pumpkins, with a random skeletal arm, and a skeleton fairy on the top.

The pupils have been doing a great job creating potions, spells, and other witchy resources to be added to the Library Grimoire. S4 minion Rene created a wonderfully artistic display of spell ingredients and witchy blank pages for pupils to create their own spells, potions, and general witchy shenanigans. More on those in a future blog post!