Category Archives: Knightswood Secondary School

Hello Everybody!

For this month post, we thought to share we you a new project that took place this year: Coderdojo.

We are approaching the end of it, so we think this is a good time to tell you a bit more…

It’s hard to set a specific time when the idea came up, but it was definitely possible thanks to different personalities that work for Glasgow Life, and in particular to Claire, the STEM coordinator.

It took a team effort to identify the right library, the right time and the right pupils for the project, but with the help and support of different librarians across the city, we made it!

The young people were trained for six weeks both by Claire and two youth workers, Joni and Alan. We learnt how to communicate effectively to younger children, how to give instructions, but more importantly we learnt how to be a team.

January marked the “action” time, that meant we could to go to Knightswood community library and finally meet our younger coderdojoers and develop with them their coding skills.

It has been impressively good to see how well the young people responded to the project and interacted between each other.

Last, but not least our mentors: three seniors who worked together to build the perfect team. Their abilities and expertise got perfectly mix and the result is we all have had great time together.

This is what one of our mentors says:

“Coderdojo is not only a good way to teach kids about coding and how to use code, but it is also an enjoyable experience for the young people involved in which they can develop a fun and interesting life skill”.

The results achieved made us confident that this will be just the pilot for a bigger project across the city!

Welcome to our library!


Hello Everybody!

We have been thinking about this introduction for a while now, and, still we aren’t sure how to condense all the different activities that take place in the library in one post.

The solution we came up with is to choose one library aspect or activity per month and tell you a little bit about it.

To welcome you all in our library we chose the most popular books in the library…

As you may have imagined from the picture, we are talking about Comics and Manga.They have always been in demand, so rather than start with a traditional book club, we decided to have a Comic and Manga club as our first lunch club.

Last year, the librarian used to run different games and competitions. This year beside we have been really lucky to have one of our pupils/library assistants taking the club over.

M. is so talented that most of the drawings that decorate the library are hers, also a huge one on the wall that she colors during her breaks.

She organises different games; like a manga version of “Pictionary” or drawing competitions. Even if we try to incentive and help you developing your drawing skills, don’t worry if you don’t like it, we also enjoy a good chat about manga!

So why don’t you join us?

We meet every Tuesday at lunch break, of course, in the library.