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February 2022 Roundup – St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School Library

A relatively uneventful month this time around with the February break and use of the school library space. But we’ve bene having a blast with the pupils during breaks and book borrowing times. Our s1-2 pupils have created their own Book group called ‘They Both Read at the End’, inspired by Adam Silvera’s hugely popular Young Adult novel, They Both Die at the End.

Pupil Library Committee – Members of our Pupil Library Committee have been gaining experience of library work through their volunteering as part of their Duke of Edinburgh awards, where they’ve been learning how to process and display new stock. They’re also helping to prepare for the upcoming World Book Day festivities where they’ll be hosting a pop-up library in the Fuel Zone and help with the zine making workshop.

EAL Book Group – Our EAL book group is continuing with the non-fiction book, YouthQuake: 50 Children and Young People Who Shook the World by Tom Adams and Sarah Walsh as part of the Inspiring Lives series by Nosy Crow. In this project, each pupil has selected five inspiring young people that they’d like to learn more about. We research two people per session, looking at their biographies, videos and other online multimedia resources to get a sense of who they are and what they’ve achieved. It leads to some very engaging discussions with the pupils.


February Booklists:

February 2022 Booklists – BookTrust

Best new Children’s Books – Toppsta

Bookbug’s Books of the Month – Scottish Book Trust

Books of the Month – LoveReading4Kids

February Roundup – Love Reading

Book of the Month – Scholastic

Books of the Month – Waterstones

Children’s Book roundup – Guardian


Upcoming events:

African Festival of Emerging Writers (March 17th-19th) – ArifFesti (Cameroon)

British Science Week (March 11th) – British Science Week (UK)

Earth Hour (March 26th) – Earth Hours (International)

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21st) – United Nations (International)

International Women’s Day (March 8th) – International Women’s Day (International)

Jaipur Literary Festival (March 5th-14th) – Jaipur Lit Fest (India)

LitFest 2022 Mini Children’s Festival (March 11th-12th) – LitFest (UK)

Shakespeare Week (March 21st) – Shakespeare Week (UK)

World Book Day (March 3rd) – World Book Day (International)

World Poetry Day (March 21st) – UNESCO (International)

World Storytelling Day (March 21st) – (International)


Past events:

Alasdair Gray Day (February 25th) – Gray Day (Scotland)

Emirates Literature Festival – (catch up on YouTube)  Emirates LitFest (UAE)

International Festival of Children’s and Youth Literature (Catch up on YouTube) – FESTILIJ (Spain)

Jewish Book Wee (February 26th-March 6th) – Jewish Book Week (UK)


Literary Awards & Prizes:

American Indian Youth Literature Award Winners – American Indian Library Association (USA)

Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature Winners – Asian/Pacific American Library Association (USA)

Blue Peter Book Awards Shortlist – BBC/BookTrust (UK)

Bookbug Picture Book prize announced – Scottish Book Trust (Scotland)

Caldecott Medal Winners – American Library Association (USA)

Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Award Long Lists Announced – CILIP (UK)

The Klaus Flugge Prize Long List Announced – Klaus Flugge Prize (UK)

The Laugh Out Loud Book Awards 2022 (the Lollies) – Scholastic (UK)

Prémio Autores/ Authors Awards Winners – Sociedade Portuguesa De Autores (Portugal)

Waterstones Children’s Book Prize Shortlist 2022 – Waterstones (UK)


In the news:

17th Century Buddhist Texts for the Illiterate: how ‘Buddhist Emoji’ made the Sutra Legible for those who couldn’t read – Open Culture

Bologna Children’s Book Fair (March 21-24th) – Bologna Fiere (Italy)

The Book of Kells, has been digitised and put online – Open Culture

Campaign for every Scottish Secondary School to receive a copy of Me and White Supremacy (YA edition) by Layla F Saad successful – Lighthouse Bookshop (Edinburgh, Scotland)


February 2022 Roundup – Shawlands Academy School Library

LGBT+ History Month – During February, the Pupil Library Committee and LGBT+ group pupils curated their own display for LGBT+ History Month, creating their own poster, bunting and selecting books to highlight from the Libraries collection. The school library also curated a digital booklist for Young Adult Fiction and Graphic Novels to add to Mr Lynch’s LGBT History Month interactive choice board, that enables pupils to learn about significant events, activists, and literary figures from the LGBTQ+ community. The Library also hosted an LGBT History Month quiz to highlight the history, social change, and figures with prizes to be won.

EAL Book Group – Our EAL book group completed two books. The House of Clouds by Lisa Thompson, a beautiful story that explores friendship, bereavement, and imagination. Our other book, Under the Skin by Cathy MacPhail, discusses bullying and refugee issues within a Scottish context. In the story, our main character Omar writes about how much he loves living in Scotland to his cousin Chat, which we modelled for our letter writing activity.

Reading Schools – The school library continues our Reading Schools journey. Our committee met to plan a wealth of activities for the upcoming World Book Day week. The Pupil Library Committee is heavily involved in this years WBD festivities, hosting pop-up Libraries, helping with arts and crafts workshops, and creating displays to promote an array of literary events taking place throughout March.

February Booklists:

February 2022 Booklists – BookTrust

Best new Children’s Books – Toppsta

Bookbug’s Books of the Month – Scottish Book Trust

Books of the Month – LoveReading4Kids

February Roundup – Love Reading

Book of the Month – Scholastic

Books of the Month – Waterstones

Children’s Book roundup – Guardian


Upcoming events:

African Festival of Emerging Writers (March 17th-19th) – ArifFesti (Cameroon)

British Science Week (March 11th) – British Science Week (UK)

Earth Hour (March 26th) – Earth Hours (International)

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21st) – United Nations (International)

International Women’s Day (March 8th) – International Women’s Day (International)

Jaipur Literary Festival (March 5th-14th) – Jaipur Lit Fest (India)

LitFest 2022 Mini Children’s Festival (March 11th-12th) – LitFest (UK)

Shakespeare Week (March 21st) – Shakespeare Week (UK)

World Book Day (March 3rd) – World Book Day (International)

World Poetry Day (March 21st) – UNESCO (International)

World Storytelling Day (March 21st) – (International)


Past events:

Alasdair Gray Day (February 25th) – Gray Day (Scotland)

Emirates Literature Festival – (catch up on YouTube)  Emirates LitFest (UAE)

International Festival of Children’s and Youth Literature (Catch up on YouTube) – FESTILIJ (Spain)

Jewish Book Wee (February 26th-March 6th) – Jewish Book Week (UK)


Literary Awards & Prizes:

American Indian Youth Literature Award Winners – American Indian Library Association (USA)

Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature Winners – Asian/Pacific American Library Association (USA)

Blue Peter Book Awards Shortlist – BBC/BookTrust (UK)

Bookbug Picture Book prize announced – Scottish Book Trust (Scotland)

Caldecott Medal Winners – American Library Association (USA)

Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Award Long Lists Announced – CILIP (UK)

The Klaus Flugge Prize Long List Announced – Klaus Flugge Prize (UK)

The Laugh Out Loud Book Awards 2022 (the Lollies) – Scholastic (UK)

Prémio Autores/ Authors Awards Winners – Sociedade Portuguesa De Autores (Portugal)

Waterstones Children’s Book Prize Shortlist 2022 – Waterstones (UK)


In the news:

17th Century Buddhist Texts for the Illiterate: how ‘Buddhist Emoji’ made the Sutra Legible for those who couldn’t read – Open Culture

Bologna Children’s Book Fair (March 21-24th) – Bologna Fiere (Italy)

The Book of Kells, has been digitised and put online – Open Culture

Campaign for every Scottish Secondary School to receive a copy of Me and White Supremacy (YA edition) by Layla F Saad successful – Lighthouse Bookshop (Edinburgh, Scotland)


February events

Hello Readers,

Here we are at the end of another busy month… February has marked many events and celebrations, and so many ideas have been going on. So here is a wee summary of what our busy Library Assistants have done to celebrate the following events.

LGBTQI+ History Month

Our permanent book display has seen some new titles added and a wonderful new poster made by one of our new library team members. We have also helped our LGBTQI+ school group distributing LGBTQI+ friendly door display for teachers! Our librarian has also been rewarded with a beautiful mug and these kind words:

” Ms Spaltro, our librarian. Thank you for all that you do for our LGBT+ pupils. We have a greatly stocked library of LGBT+ reading materials, thanks to you. And thanks for being so supportive of the community. Nominated by many pupils. “

Harry Potter Night Event

Harry Potter event decorations: a witch hat and a poster saying "Hogawarts" made by the pupils.

Molly and Abigail, two wonderful senior pupils, have worked tirelessly to organise and deliver a fantastic Harry Potter event on the 3rd of February. They did such a good job including everyone that even the most reluctant participants enjoyed our event. A special mention goes to one of our EAL pupil, who was initially afraid it could have been to hard, but he ended up been in the winning team! Attached a wee picture of the decorations that our pupils have used to make our library magical! We are also very grateful to the Drama department that has let us use some of their costumes to make the scene more suggestive.

Languages Week Scotland

Multilingual book display for the Languages Week Scotland.

Our multilingual assistants have made a beautiful display to mark this celebration. Full of multilingual books and smart quotes to highlight the importance of learning languages. They have also involved our library regulars into creating multilingual welcoming posters that have been displayed at the entrance of the library.

Unfortunately, the lights aren’t great, so you will need to visit us to admire them!

Welcome to the library posters in different languages

These are only few of the many tasks that we have completed in the library, but many more are to come!

Please stay tuned to see what we are planning…

LGBT+ History Month

Every February, Scotland celebrates LGBT+ History Month -a chance to connect and to reflect on the past and present of the LGBT+ community. 

Whitehill Secondary School is currently working towards LGBT Charter Bronze award, as a way to ensure inclusivity for all pupils. In the school library, there’s a great range of non-fiction and fiction LGBT+ books available for pupils to borrow. You’ll always find something great to read in our display area, which highlights books with LGBTQ+ themes and characters. And there’s even more books in the digital library! Here’s a sample of some titles you can download and read during the month. 

You can access e-books and audiobooks from anywhere, using the Libby library app. New to the digital library? Check out this handy video on getting started with Libby. If you need any help using the eBooks or getting set up on Libby, remember you can visit the library on Thursdays and Fridays and chat to the librarian.  

Happy reading!

2021 Roundup – Shawlands Academy School Library

The blog is back! Watch this space for monthly updates from Shawlands Academy School Library.   

 2021 Recap – What have we been up to?   

 eBooks & eAudiobooks:  The library continued to roll out the Libby app to all S1 pupils. The eBooks, audiobooks, and eMagazines supplement the physical stock in the library, offering pupils a broader range of formats and books, with accessibility features to make the reading experience more inclusive.   

Reading Schools accreditation: This year, the school library has signed-up Shawlands Academy to the Scottish Book Trust’s Reading Schools accreditation programme. The Reading Schools programme is committed to building a reading culture across the school community. With some Covid restrictions still in place, we are aiming for the core level certificate with the possibility of applying for silver or gold in the 2022-2023 school year. Our Reading Schools leadership committee have met in December to plan for the 2022 term and have discuss loads of exciting activities and initiatives to roll throughout the term. We’re currently accepting submissions for our ‘Ask Me What I’m Reading’ badges and official school bookmark to tie in with the programme. Pupils will vote on the designs throughout February and the winning designs will be created into badges and bookmarks to be distributed during World Book Day in March.   

 Throughout January and February, learners and staff will be offered the opportunity to complete a book personality quiz and library survey. The survey will help inform best practice and identify areas of improvement in the library and reading culture across the school. The book personality quiz is a fun way to engage people with reading out with their comfort zone by suggesting genres, authors, and books that they might like to try. Both the quiz and the survey will be delivered by the school librarian in classes and on Teams. Our PT of Family and Inclusion will also be including it in their newsletter.   

Pupil Library Committee: This year, the school library has created the Pupil Library Committee to help provide young people’s voice in the stock and library service. So far, we have 50+ volunteers from all year groups Several committee members are tying it into to their Saltire and Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Duties include shelving and organising stock, selecting books to be featured in the library’s monthly newsletters, create and deliver quizzes/activities, and curate monthly displays for Interfaith Week, Black History Month, and World Space Week. Some members of the PLC have also been heavily involved in stock selection, focusing on graphic novels, thrillers, and enhancing our Equality & Empowerment collections. Some PLC members are also included on the Reading Schools committee and their ideas have been crucial towards embedding a pupil-led reading culture throughout the school. We’ll be posting more about this in future blog posts.  

Book Week Scotland: The library hosted pupil-led activities throughout Book Week Scotland in November 2021. Committee members created and delivered their own Manga Quiz during lunches throughout the week. Committee members also designed and compiled Book Week Scotland Book Boxes full of pupil recommendations that were delivered to teacher bases. Staff were delighted to receive their free copy of the official Book Week Scotland book, Celebrate, gifted by PLC members.   

EAL book group: We’ve continued our EAL book group this year. The project is funded by the Scottish Library and Information Council on behalf of the Scottish Government through their Scottish Library Improvement Fund, which support innovative projects in the school library sector. The EAL project is aimed at pupils who are developing their English literacy skills whilst also placing an emphasis at valuing home/original languages and multilingualism. In addition to reading books and completing literacy-based activities, pupils are invited to create multilingual signage for the library and contribute book reviews to school library newsletter and magazine. In November, our group met the fabulous graphic novel duo, Metaphrog, who discussed their books, illustrations and creative journey.   

The project also supported Shawlands Academy’s first ‘Community Languages’ collection, a section devoted to books and resources in languages other than English. Many thanks to GCC EAL and Dyslexia Unit as well as Multilingual Library Scotland for their recommendations.  We’re excited for the upcoming Languages Week Scotland and International Mother Language Day (Feb 21st), where our group will be looking at an array of international book awards and festivals for young people. On a city-wide level, our group is collaborating with other EAL book groups to create a pupil-led Glasgow Guide by and for pupils. Work on the guide is still ongoing and we’ve commissioned Metaphrog to design the cover and background.   

Seed Library: The School Library is collaborating with MCR Pathways and Fare Scotland to develop a seed library for the school and for the school garden with resources and support from the Royal Horticultural Society. The MCR Pathways and Fare Scotland coordinators work with a group of young people to build practical gardening skills as well as learn about sustainability and the environment. The seed library, though still in development, will be pupil created and led, focusing on seeds derived from the school garden as well as providing information about how to grow food at home.   

Professional Development Library: This year saw the implementation of the Professional Development Library, curated by Mrs Torbett and housed in the school library. School staff can now access a range of professional reading to help develop and enhance existing skills. Mrs Torbett also runs a staff professional reading group and takes book requests from staff. In addition to the in-house collection, The Glasgow Libraries’ eResource, ProQuest, offers professional and trade journals and articles which can provide staff with recent research and analysis in their discipline.   

Workshops: Throughout the Autumn period, the school library visited several classrooms to deliver bespoke workshops to BGE, Higher, and Advanced Higher classes. The workshops introduced pupils to a number for quality, online resources to supplement their studies. These included the British Library, the National Library of ScotlandNational Museums Scotland, the Natural History Museum, ProQuest and Gale Literature Resource Center. Staff from the Mitchell Library’s Business & IP Center were also invited to deliver a session on copyright and intellectual property to the school’s S2 Enterprise class in November.  

Primary visit: We were delighted to arrange a special class visit with a small P6 class from Shawlands Primary as part of their transition programme. Children were introduced to the school library and stock through a book tasting session.   

Library publications: This year, the school library has continued its monthly newsletter, packed with book lists, reviews and the latest news in the YA literary world. An interactive format is posted in each year group Team’s Library Channel. The Glasgow School Library service has also continued its quarterly digital magazine, Swatch. In it, you can find author interviews, guest features, book lists, crafts, quizzes and more. The upcoming issue will be released in March. Links to past issues are below.   

 Winter 21 Autumn 21 Summer 21 Spring 21 Winter 20 Autumn 20  


January/February book lists:

Best books of the year 2021 – BBC

Best new books January – Book Trust

Best new children’s books February – Toppsta

Bookbug book of the month January – Scottish Book Trust

Book of the month February – Scholastic

Debuts of the month February – LoveReadingforKids

Great Books Guide 2021 – Book Trust

Monthly Roundup January – Love Reading

Top 10 Audiobooks February – Love Reading

UK Public Library Authorities ‘ top eBooks, audiobooks and digital magazines borrowed in 2021 – Overdrive

Waterstones Books of the Month February– Waterstones


Literary & cultural calendar book lists:

Veganuary: Veganuary, Vegan Society

Martin Luther King Jr Day (17th): Book Riot, The King Centre, Reading Rockets,

 Holocaust Memorial Day (27th): BookTrust (YA, Middle Grade), Holocaust Memorial Trust/World Book Day, Penguin Random House, Reading Agency (2020), Scholastic


In the news…

Bookbug Picture Book Prize shortlist announced 

Branford Boase Award Longlist Announced

Costa Book Award winners announced 

Games review February – Metacritic

“The Last Cuentista” wins 2022 Newbery Medal; “Watercress” earns Caldecott; “Firekeeper’s Daughter” wins the Printz – School Library Journal

National Storytelling Week 

Read for Empathy Collections 2022 Announced

Tennesse School Board Bans Pulitzer Prize Winning Maus, Becomes #1 Bestseller  -Open Culture

Terry Pratchett Estate backs Jack Monroe’s idea for ‘Vimes Boots’ poverty index -Guardian

T.S. Eliot Prize winner announced

Upcoming film releases for 2021 – IMDB

What is entering the public domain in 2022? – Public Domain Review

2021 Roundup – St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School Library

The blog is back! Watch this space for monthly updates from St Margaret Mary’s and St Oswald’s School Library.   

 2021 Recap – What have we been up to?   

 eBooks & eAudiobooks:  The library continued to roll out the Libby app to all S1 pupils in both St Margaret Mary’s and St Oswald’s school. The eBooks, audiobooks, and eMagazines supplement the physical stock in the library, offering pupils a broader range of formats and books, with accessibility features to make the reading experience more inclusive.   

 Pupil Library Committee: This year, the school library has created the Pupil Library Committee to help provide young people’s voice in the stock and library service.  Duties include shelving and organising stock, selecting books to be featured in the library’s monthly newsletters, create and deliver quizzes/activities, and curate monthly displays. Some members of the PLC have also been heavily involved in stock selection, focusing on graphic novels, thrillers & horror, and enhancing our Equality & Empowerment collections. 

Book Week Scotland: The library hosted a very popular manga quiz for both BGE and S4+ St Margaret Mary’s pupils and St Oswald’s BGE pupils . We were also delighted to have award-winning slam poet, Ash Dickinson, deliver a session to Mr Cawley’s S2 class. 

EAL book group: We’ve continued our EAL book group this year. The project is funded by the Scottish Library and Information Council on behalf of the Scottish Government through their Scottish Library Improvement Fund, which support innovative projects in the school library sector. The EAL project is aimed at pupils who are developing their English literacy skills whilst also placing an emphasis at valuing home/original languages and multilingualism. In addition to reading books and completing literacy-based activities, pupils are invited to create multilingual signage for the library and contribute book reviews to school library newsletter and magazine. In November, our group met the talented Neil Slorance, who delivered a virtual session to the group where he taught them how to create their own comic.  

The project also supported the library’s first ‘Community Languages’ collection, a section devoted to books and resources in languages other than English. Many thanks to GCC EAL and Dyslexia Unit as well as Multilingual Library Scotland for their recommendations.  We’re excited for the upcoming Languages Week Scotland and International Mother Language Day (Feb 21st), where our group will be looking at an array of international book awards and festivals for young people. On a city-wide level, our group is collaborating with other EAL book groups to create a pupil-led Glasgow Guide by and for pupils. Work on the guide is still ongoing and we’ve commissioned Metaphrog to design the cover and background.   

 Workshops: During the autumn, the school library delivered an eResources workshop to Dr Moody’s English class. The workshop introduced pupils to how to think critically about using online media resources to their assignments. The Higher English class were introduced to ProQuest and Gale Literature Resource Centre.  

 Library publications: This year, the school library has continued its monthly newsletter, packed with book lists, reviews and the latest news in the YA literary world. An interactive format is circulated via the English department.  The Glasgow School Library service has also continued its quarterly digital magazine, Swatch. In it, you can find author interviews, guest features, book lists, crafts, quizzes and more. The upcoming issue will be released in March. Links to past issues are below.   

 Winter 21 Autumn 21 Summer 21 Spring 21 Winter 20 Autumn 20 

January/February book lists:

Best books of the year 2021 – BBC

Best new books January – Book Trust

Best new children’s books February – Toppsta

Bookbug book of the month January – Scottish Book Trust

Book of the month February – Scholastic

Debuts of the month February – LoveReadingforKids

Great Books Guide 2021 – Book Trust

Monthly Roundup January – Love Reading

Top 10 Audiobooks February – Love Reading

UK Public Library Authorities ‘ top eBooks, audiobooks and digital magazines borrowed in 2021 – Overdrive

Waterstones Books of the Month February– Waterstones


Literary & cultural calendar book lists:

Veganuary: Veganuary, Vegan Society

Martin Luther King Jr Day (17th): Book Riot, The King Centre, Reading Rockets,

 Holocaust Memorial Day (27th): BookTrust (YA, Middle Grade), Holocaust Memorial Trust/World Book Day, Penguin Random House, Reading Agency (2020), Scholastic


In the news…

Bookbug Picture Book Prize shortlist announced 

Branford Boase Award Longlist Announced

Costa Book Award winners announced 

Games review February – Metacritic

“The Last Cuentista” wins 2022 Newbery Medal; “Watercress” earns Caldecott; “Firekeeper’s Daughter” wins the Printz – School Library Journal

National Storytelling Week 

Read for Empathy Collections 2022 Announced

Tennesse School Board Bans Pulitzer Prize Winning Maus, Becomes #1 Bestseller  -Open Culture

Terry Pratchett Estate backs Jack Monroe’s idea for ‘Vimes Boots’ poverty index -Guardian

T.S. Eliot Prize winner announced

Upcoming film releases for 2021 – IMDB

What is entering the public domain in 2022? – Public Domain Review

JPA Library – January Update

Wait… January is over???

Well, the first month of the year just flew by! Probably because we have been so busy here in the library:

Let’s start with our newest additions: SO. MANY. NEW. BOOKS.

In January, we had almost 250 new books delivered! This included a wonderful mix of classics and library staples along with brand new MG and YA books that our pupils are going to love! A lot of these books have already flown off the shelves – the manga was barely out of the box before it was in the hands of a pupil! Speaking of which…

Comic Club

Our Comic Club has returned with a bang!  We’ve had fun playing games and quizzes on Blooket, we’ve been working on a special manga project (keep your eyes peeled for the Spring edition of the School Libraries eMag!), and now our pupils have started work on their very own comic strips.  Some of the pupils are taking inspiration from their Book Week Scotland short stories, while others are coming up with brand new tales!  Hopefully we can share some of their hard work with you next month.

EAL Book Club

Our Comic Club are not the only ones who have been getting creative!  Our EAL Book Club has started brainstorming ideas for their own Cinderella story.  Mind maps and lists galore, with features of the characters, story and setting, highlighting our favourite aspects to take forward into our own version.  Next month we’re going to read some more versions of the classic tale before we start putting more ideas onto paper.  A murder mystery Cinderella is still the top contender!  Stay tuned.

NEW – Volunteers!

What started as a small poster in the window asking for volunteers has quickly spawned a small army of pupils ready and eager to help out around the library!  Pupils have been volunteering their time before school, at break and lunchtimes to help out around the library, shelving books, creating displays, and helping with lending services.  In reward for their hard work, we have started an exclusive club just for them!  For now, this club has been focused on training and developing our library skills, but soon it will be a time for creative discussion about the library, along with rest, relaxation and reading!

Is it any wonder the month flew by?  Good news though – there’s even more to look forward to next month!

Want to see what’s coming up?  Check out the February edition of Bookmarked at this link!

New Year, New Term

Happy New Year from St Roch’s Library. It’s been a busy month in school with all the prelims happening and the library times were a bit irregular. It’s back to normal from February though,  just in time for the year’s first delivery of New Books! There’s some really good fiction, non-fiction and comics included-here’s a quick preview:

New books in January

The library is open at lunchtime for S1-S3 students every Tuesday & Wednesday. You can sit and chat with your friends, read quietly or do homework. If you feel like being creative we have paper, comic panels, colouring sheets, pens and other arty supplies.

For books fans, every Tuesday you can come along to Book Club – we chat about what everyone is reading and share recommendations. Some favourites so far have been Awful Auntie by David Walliams, Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi and The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.

From this month there’s also a Chess Club happening in the library on Tuesdays. If you’re new to chess you can learn how to play and practice your skills. Some students are already pros and there’s been some lively games. Why not visit the library at lunchtime and join in?

There’ll be more updates on library happenings coming soon so stay tuned. We’re looking forward to World Book Day already!

Holyrood Library – Celebrating Reading!

We are off to a great start in 2022, reading a wealth of books and sharing fun times together! Here’s a look back at some highlights from last term.

Author visits

On National Poetry Day we had a visit from Anita Govan. Ms Longo’s S3 put their heart & soul into improvising and performing their own poems. Anita presented us with a copy of her book. What a fantastic day.


Alex Nye visited us for Book Week Scotland. S2 & S3 loved Alex’s ‘Art of the Ghost Story’ workshop. Miss Cameron & Mr Clarke’s classes came up with brilliant questions. A fascinating insight into being an author. Well done all!


A December highlight was a visit from Metaphrog (John & Sandra). It was amazing to learn all about the creative process. Our audience included our EAL Book Group, and our own published graphic novelists now in S4, who had worked with John and Sandra previously. It felt like a lovely family reunion.

Our EAL Book Group has gone from strength to strength. We have read 2 books, spoken different languages (I was hopeless), laughed, had fun with crafts, and visited Kelvingrove Art Galleries!


Library Helpers have been fantastic. Here are some of the book displays we have enjoyed creating.


Black History Month

Don’t judge a book by It’s cover!

Remembrance Day





We’ve made several Playground visits with our Book Trolley (September was fun, January was a bit breezy!)




To sum up, wise words from our pupils about books and libraries :

“When you are bored, you always have somewhere to come to and I also love all the books here!”  Tahreem, S1

“The library is a place where I can clear my headspace, chill and have a good time” Bilal,S2 

Take care all, and keep reading in 2022.