Author Archives: Alison West

JPA April Update

Even though most of the month was taken up with the Easter Break, April has still been a very fun and busy time here in the library!  Here’s everything we got up to in just two weeks!

New Club – Storycraft Club

We have started a brand new lunch club in the library – the Storycraft Club!  For those of you keeping track, yes, that is now a library club every single lunchtime of the week!  In this club, we will take part in reading, writing, arts, crafts, games, building and all sorts of creative enterprises revolving around storytelling!  The focus of our club is on mental health and wellbeing and diverse stories.  I’m looking forward to telling you about the exciting projects this club will be getting up to.  This project is supported by the Scottish Government School Library Improvement Fund.

Comic Club

We have been working on our own comic strips since returning from the Easter break – hopefully we can share some finished comics with you in the May update.

EAL Book Club

Cinderella stories are still being written!  The group has all agreed to write their own individual stories and when they are finished, we’ll take the best elements of the stories to create one as a group – possibly as a play!

RPG Club

Our pupils have continued their campaign in A Battle of Bookwyrms!  After meeting their mysterious host, Oskar Tremorspear, a librarian for Dragonsport Library, the characters have been sent on a quest to retrieve a very rare and powerful spellbook that was borrowed and not returned.  (Is this story fuelled by this librarian’s frustrations about overdue books?  You can be the judge of that.)  The characters set out on the trail north of town to the home of Rairdon Grimm, the Mage who borrowed the book.  Not long after entering the Briar Rose Woods, they come across a Blink Dog, who despite an unfortunate incident with a Firebolt, has been persuaded to join the group.  The new party member has been named MJ, short for Michael Jackson.  When the party found the Mage’s hut, it appeared to be empty, but upon investigation the group was attacked by a Vine Blight hiding inside!  Check back again next month to find out how the group faired…

Volunteers Club

Our volunteers have been working hard since our return after the Easter Break to make the library better for everyone.  They have started work on a mew project to label all the fiction books with their genre and keywords, making it easier for everyone to find the right book for them.  Obviously this is a massive project, but with the effort of our volunteers it could hopefully be completed before the summer!

Wee Write Author Visit – S.M. Wilson

Our S1 pupils were treated to an author visit from YA author S.M. Wilson as part of the Wee Write Festival – Glasgow’s Book Festival for Children and Young People.  Susan came and spoke to the children about her love of space and dinosaurs and her writing process – amazing stuff!  The pupils were riveted all period and had a great time.

S2 Authors

Speaking of authors, the library hosted a wonderful event for an S2 English class!  The pupils had written their own novels, and were invited to a ‘book launch’ event in the library.  They pitched their novels to the different ‘publishers’ present (consisting of the wonderful teachers and SLT here at JPA, as well as myself) and then enjoyed some drinks and nibbles while negotiating their book deals!  The pupils were all so enthusiastic about their books, with talk of series potential and movie deals!  I was thrilled to host this event in the library and hope we have have similar events in here again!

Phew!  That’s everything from April.  If you want to see what’s coming up in May, then check out the latest edition of our newsletter, Bookmarked, at this link.

Happy Reading, 

Miss West (Librarian)

JPA Library – March Update

In the final push to the Easter Break, March has been a busy and exciting month, filled with fun activities from start to finish – enjoy!

World Book Day

The month started off with our World Book Day activities!  All our pupils were given their £1 book tokens to spend on free World Book Day books, but pupils also had the chance to win these books in our competitions and games for World Book Day!  Pupils were invited to write 50-word short stories on the theme of ‘World’, and came along to our annual WBD Mystery Game in the library!

This year, while doing its World Tour for World Book Day, the Best Book in the World was stolen!  The thief hid clues in books around the library that pupils had to find and solve to discover where the book had been taken.  The pupils transformed into detectives and were immediately on the case!  In one lunch break, pupils were able to find all the clues, solve all the puzzles, and discover that the Best Book in the World had been taken to Peru!  Everyone who took part received a free World Book Day book!

Our Clubs:

Find out what our clubs got up to this month:

Comic Club

We’ve been practicing our comic skills this month with some Quick Comic sessions.  Pupils needed to draw in under 2 minutes a randomly generated character and scene.  Highlights include the confused robots in ballgowns in a castle, happy alien clowns at bus stops, and angry people in library (the most unrealistic IMO).

EAL Book Club

We have started drafting our Cinderella stories!  I don’t want to give away any spoilers, because the group is very excited about their stories and keeping them private for now (they may have taken their jotters home over the Easter break to keep working/so I can’t take a peek) but there has been discussion of gender-swapping, murder mysteries, and stories of revenge!

RPG Club

Let the games begin!  Our pupils have started playing a Dungeons and Dragons style campaign called A Battle of Bookwyrms (I may have created a book themed game – this is a library club after all!).  Their characters were sent invitations to an unknown place, and under the promise of adventure and riches, they all chose to go, meeting for the first time.  However, when they arrived at their destination, they were led into an arena and ambushed!  The brave party were able to fight their way out and have now been offered a job.  What job could it be?  Find out next month!

Our Volunteers

Our volunteers have continued working hard to make the library a great space for everyone.  Staff and pupils have responded well to their great Genre displays made this month, one for Romance and one for Mystery books, our most popular genres!  There’s a big project on the horizon for our volunteers after the holidays, and I’m thrilled with how they have helped to make the library such a fun and exciting space within our school!

Easter Egg Hunt

[I know this one technically happened in April but it’s too fun to leave until next month!]

Our library mascot Bellamy was joined by a couple of mischievous chicks on the last day of school, who then hid Easter Eggs all through the library!  Our pupils then got to enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt and the sweet chocolatey taste of success after!  A very fun note on which to end the term!

To see everything that April has to offer, check out the latest edition of our newsletter – Bookmarked!

JPA Library – February Update

That was a cold one!

I don’t want to jinx it, but fingers crossed that the weather heats up a little as we head into Spring.

Until then, however, you can browse this library update with everything we got up to in February!

RPG Club

Due to popular demand from our pupils, we have now started a brand-new RPG Club (that’s role-playing-game for the novices amongst us).  Pupils have been working this month on creating their own Dungeons & Dragons characters, and we’ll hopefully be starting our first campaign soon!  The character creation process has been very involved, and actually temporarily taken over our Comic Club too!  However, character creation is an important part of the comic-making process so it’s all relevant!  Next month our pupils will have transformed into bards, warlocks, rangers and sorcerer’s ready to dive into as yet unknown fantasy worlds!  Keep updated with their progress in this blog.  This will be my first time as Dungeon Master and the pupils first time playing so we’ll all be learning something new while we play!

EAL Book Club

Project Cinderella continues!  Our pupils have now finished reading the three best known and classic versions of the story from France (by Charles Perrault), Italy (by Giambattista Basile) and Germany (by The Grimm Brothers).  They have been plotting their mind maps and jotting down ideas for their own twist on the story.  Now we are looking at and discussing modern adaptations of the story!  We have started with Cinderella Is Dead, by Kalynn Bayron, a dark feminist fantasy retelling that explores Cinderella’s choice in the story, and Gender Swapped Fairy Tales, by Karrie Fransman and Jonathan Plackett, looking at how changing gender could change the story.  We are all agreed – glass trainers are probably more comfortable than glass heels, but still entirely impractical.



Our library volunteers have formed a great wee team and have been working hard in the library throughout February.  They have helped create great displays, such as this one for LGBT+ History Month, and have done their best to make sure the library stays tidy and organised.  I am very grateful for all their help!

One of our volunteers has gone above and beyond, and has made a new mascot for the library – please meet Bellamy Book Bear!  Bellamy is now a part of the library team and has loads of book suggestions (such as these ‘beary’ good bear-themed books (and yes, you can expect a lot more un’bear’able puns from me!)).

Blind Date With A Book

For Valentine’s Day, the library had a Blind Date With A Book display!  Pupils were able to read the first line of a book, and a couple bullet points of information about it, before borrowing, and plenty of pupils got involved!  It might not have always been love at first line, but we had fun either way! 

March is set to be another exciting month, now that we have four clubs on the go and World Book Day to celebrate!  You can check out everything that’s coming up in the March edition of Bookmarked – the school library newsletter.  

JPA Library – January Update

Wait… January is over???

Well, the first month of the year just flew by! Probably because we have been so busy here in the library:

Let’s start with our newest additions: SO. MANY. NEW. BOOKS.

In January, we had almost 250 new books delivered! This included a wonderful mix of classics and library staples along with brand new MG and YA books that our pupils are going to love! A lot of these books have already flown off the shelves – the manga was barely out of the box before it was in the hands of a pupil! Speaking of which…

Comic Club

Our Comic Club has returned with a bang!  We’ve had fun playing games and quizzes on Blooket, we’ve been working on a special manga project (keep your eyes peeled for the Spring edition of the School Libraries eMag!), and now our pupils have started work on their very own comic strips.  Some of the pupils are taking inspiration from their Book Week Scotland short stories, while others are coming up with brand new tales!  Hopefully we can share some of their hard work with you next month.

EAL Book Club

Our Comic Club are not the only ones who have been getting creative!  Our EAL Book Club has started brainstorming ideas for their own Cinderella story.  Mind maps and lists galore, with features of the characters, story and setting, highlighting our favourite aspects to take forward into our own version.  Next month we’re going to read some more versions of the classic tale before we start putting more ideas onto paper.  A murder mystery Cinderella is still the top contender!  Stay tuned.

NEW – Volunteers!

What started as a small poster in the window asking for volunteers has quickly spawned a small army of pupils ready and eager to help out around the library!  Pupils have been volunteering their time before school, at break and lunchtimes to help out around the library, shelving books, creating displays, and helping with lending services.  In reward for their hard work, we have started an exclusive club just for them!  For now, this club has been focused on training and developing our library skills, but soon it will be a time for creative discussion about the library, along with rest, relaxation and reading!

Is it any wonder the month flew by?  Good news though – there’s even more to look forward to next month!

Want to see what’s coming up?  Check out the February edition of Bookmarked at this link!

Happy Holidays, from JPA Library

A brief December update:

We’ve finally reached the winter holiday, and we can now all rest, relax (and obviously read) for a couple weeks.  Our pupils have worked hard and been incredibly creative this last month, with pupils trying out a variety of Christmas paper crafts, such as baubles, crackers, snowflakes, trees and stars – all of which have helped to decorate our wonderful “Book-mas” tree! There have also been lots of senior pupils studying hard in the library for their upcoming prelim – good luck to all those hard workers! 

Our clubs have also been having lots of fun and games this month, with plenty of games of hangman and pictionary on comic and fairy tale themes.  Our comic club also introduced Miss West (the librarian (me)) to Blookit and have had a great time playing games and quizzes with comic and manga characters.  I’m looking forward to all our clubs gathering again in the new year, and hopefully with more clubs to come!

I hope everyone has a merry Christmas, happy holidays and a happy new year!

JPA Library – November Update

We’ve had an especially bookish month in the library!  Our clubs have been having lots of fun and showing off their skills, we got excited about COP26, and most of all we celebrated Book Week Scotland!

Book Week Scotland

For BWS this year, the library ran a ‘Wee Stories’ competition, and challenged pupils to submit short stories of no more than 50 words to the school library newsletter, Bookmarked.  Here are some of our top entries:

I woke up from a nightmare, dreaming that I got killed in my sleep, sweat dripping from my forehead.  I tried to control my breathing.  “But it felt so real”.  My hands shake as I get up from my bed.  I stretch, look down and see my cold, dead body.  – Murron, S3

I opened my eyes to find myself in the middle of the road.  There was no cars coming my way.  The traffic lights were rusty.  The shop windows were broken.  The world seemed quiet and empty.  The machine worked but they all left.  How was I going to go back? – Flora, S3

One cold winter night I’m walking my cat out on a lead until she saw a squirrel and she wanted to eat it but I didn’t let her off the lead so she got mad and scratched me and then I turned into Catman! – Dylan, S3

You can check out all the best Wee Stories from our pupils in the December issue of Bookmarked at the end of this post.  All pupils who submitted a story were entered into a raffle to win a £10 National Book Token!

Clubs Update

Our clubs have been having lots of fun this month, especially during Book Week Scotland, when our Big Book Quiz returned, geared specifically to our Comic Club and EAL Book Clubs.

The Comic Club took part in the Big Comic Book Quiz, and our members were quizzed on their knowledge of comics, graphic novels and manga, with rounds about book covers, characters, movie & TV adaptations, blurbs and emoji-titles.  It was a fierce competition, our members are very knowledgeable about their favourite books! Congratulations go to this great S1 pupil, who not only won this quiz, but also emerged victorious of an even harder manga quiz later in the month! 

Our EAL Book Club also had their own quiz, the Big Fairy Tale Book Quiz, inspired by our Project Cinderella!  This quiz involved Disney characters, modern fairy tale adaptations, different versions of Cinderella, translating fairy tale titles from their original languages and finally a scavenger hunt through the library to find Cinderella!  Once again, a very close competition between our pupils.  This month we have also continued to read and discuss Cinderella stories – the current theory from the group is that Cinderella is actually a witch!  [This project is supported by the Scottish Government School Library Improvement Fund].


The school was buzzing with talk of COP26 and fighting climate change, and in the library we helped to encourage these discussions!  We have posters suggesting 2 minute challenges for staff and pupils to try and become more eco-friendly, and we had this massive display of books on climate change and sustainable living available to borrow throughout the conference (and beyond!), helping all our curious pupils to understand what was happening and why.


Want to see what’s coming up in December?  Check out the latest issue of Bookmarked, the JPA Library Newsletter, at this link.


JPA Library – October Update

Hello again from the John Paul Academy Library!

In October, we were delighted to receive our prize from the Penguin Books Lit In Colour Book Giveaway!  The library has received an incredible donation of over 100 books written by authors of colour to help diversify our collection and inspire our pupils and staff.  These books are now on display in the library and available for our staff and pupils to borrow.  Pupils have already started borrowing some of the YA fiction, and Michelle Obama’s biography has been incredibly popular! 

Our comic club have been talking about all their favourite graphic novels and manga, and have made posters to advertise their favourites to the rest of the school.  Here’s one for Hilda and the Troll, which was bought for the library after our shopping session in September.  Since starting the club, our group has read over 20 books! 

Our S3 EAL Book Club has made some good progress with Project Cinderella.  We’ve finished the classic Perrault version that inspired the Disney animated classic, and moved on to ‘The Cat Cinderella’ by Giambattista Basile, considered to be the first written version of the story from Italy in 1634.  This one is very different from the famous Disney version, as Cinderella commits a terrible crime to start, and then is faced with not 2 but 6 stepsisters!  Our club members are definitely intrigued by the prospect of creating a villainous Cinderella story… [This project is supported by the Scottish Government School Library Improvement Fund].

In November we have Book Week Scotland to look forward to, which will involve displays, a ‘Wee Story’ competition, games and more!  For this and everything else coming in November, check out the latest edition of Bookmarked, our school library newsletter.

Happy reading from Miss West

JPA Library – September Update

It’s been a fun start to the year in the library at John Paul Academy.  The library is open again for pupils to borrow books after months of lockdowns and restrictions.  The new S1 cohort have loved coming to the library to check out books, with hundreds of books borrowed since we returned to school after the summer holidays!

We have lots of very enthusiastic readers in the new S1 group and it’s great to see them in the library every day picking out new books to read.  They are especially fond of our manga collection, and have put in several requests for more – keep your eyes peeled for new titles coming soon!

Our S3 EAL Book Club, every Wednesday at lunchtime, has just begun Project Cinderella!  Every week our club will read a different version of the Cinderella story, taken from different times and places.  Once we’ve finished, we’re going to write our own version of the story!  We started this month with Charles Perrault’s classic version of the story, famous for the Disney animation.  Watch this space to see the club progress, and ideas for our own version of the story!  [This project is supported by the Scottish Government School Library Improvement Fund].

The library has also started up a new Comic Club, for fans of comics, graphic novels and especially manga!  Our new comic club members have had a library takeover, helping to choose new comics, graphic novels and manga to buy for the library, and have created this fantastic display with some of their favourite options for their fellow pupils to borrow!  Some of their notes included “This book is really interesting” and “Join our comic club for awesome books like these!”. Our club meets every Monday at lunchtime, and is open for more members to join in! 

Pupils have also been getting creative with our new Craft Cart!  So far pupils have tried their hand at paper cranes and origami bookmarks, as well as creating and drawing their own posters and characters.

If you want to see what’s coming up in October, then check out Bookmarked, the JPA Library newsletter, at this link.

Thanks for reading, and watch this space for future updates! 

Welcome to John Paul Academy Library!

Welcome to all our new pupils and staff!

And hello again to returning staff and pupils this August!

This post will give you a quick introduction to the library and how it works – pop in and visit soon!

Meet the Librarian

First, I would like to introduce myself – Miss West, the librarian for John Paul Academy.

Here’s a little information about me:

  • I joined the school in September 2019
  • I love fantasy and sci-fi books and graphic novels
  • Inspired by the book The Hundred-And-One Dalmatians, by Dodie Smith, I have a pet Dalmatian
  • I enjoy reading, writing, crafting and occasionally baking.

You can find me in the library all day, every (school) day.  If you have any questions, need help, or just want a good book chat, pop into the library and say hello!

About the Library

You can find fiction, non fiction, comics, graphic novels, quick-reads and super-readable books in the library.  There are books on a variety of topics or genres to suit your needs, whether it’s reading to learn or reading for pleasure!  

And it’s about more than books!  We also have space for group work, games and crafts.  In the library, you can read, write, relax, play, learn and create!

New Feature: The Craft Cart! – Whether you enjoy designing and making useful or fun objects, or you just like to keep your head and your hands busy, there will be something to keep you occupied on our craft cart! 

How The Library Works

Here are the basic rules on how you can use the library:

Opening Hours: 

  • Mon, Tue + Thu – 8:30-3:45
  • Wed + Fri – 8:30 – 3:00
  • Closed every day from 1:10 to 1:25 for lunch

The Rules

  • No food or drink
  • No loud music or videos (you can use headphones)
  • No running or roughhousing
  • Keep the library clean and tidy
  • Be respectful to one another
  • Follow all COVID guidelines until further notice


  • Check out all books with the librarian before taking them out of the library
  • Borrow up to 6 books for 2 weeks each, with 3 renewals
  • Return books to the drop boxes in the library when you are finished
  • Bring your library card with you every time you visit the library

The Library Online

There are lots of ways you can take part with the library online:

  • Teams – On the JPA Library Team page, you can see what we have with Book Browser, ask questions, read Bookmarked: The JPA Library Newsletter, join competitions, play games and more!
    • To join, just search ‘JPA Library’ on Teams or ask in the library for the Team Code.
  • Apps – You can also use your library card to browse and borrow eBooks, audiobooks and eMagazines with the Libby app, Borrowbox app, or online at  You can even stream and download music for free with your library card using the Freegal app.
    • All you need is your library card number and your 4-digit-PIN.  If you’re not sure what this is, just pop in and ask the librarian.

That’s everything you need to know to get started!  Library cards for new pupils will be handed out soon, and everyone is welcome in the library! I look forward to seeing you all soon – Miss West

Book Week Scotland @ JPA Library

Book Week Scotland is always an exciting time in any library, and especially welcome in 2020! We weren’t able to celebrate in the library as we normally would (such as last years Books and Bubbles Party!) but there was still plenty happening over the week online!

The theme of Book Week Scotland this year was ‘Future’, which inspired some of the activities we had during the week.  While pupils weren’t able to come to the library and see our BWS display, featuring books set in the future, pupils were able to browse a virtual display!  These virtual displays have helped to bring the library to pupils digitally, and Book Week Scotland was a great opportunity to show off what the library has to offer!  That being said, looking at the books, the future would appear to be… unwelcoming…

The library also hosted a competition throughout November, inviting all pupils to share their stories of the future! There were some great responses, with top stories published in our December newsletter.  Much like our ‘future’ fiction, our pupils envisage a bleak future for us all…

Book Week Scotland is a great time to get more involved in reading and writing, so pupils were given the opportunity to check out author talks, featuring some of their favourite authors such as David Walliams, Liz Pichon and Malorie Blackman!  The great news is that these videos are available all year from Authors Live on Demand, which means pupils will always have the opportunity to learn more about their favourite books from their favourite authors (which is my way of saying if you haven’t checked it out yet – you should!)

The biggest hit of the week was our JPA Big Book Quiz!  With a £10 National Book Token up for grabs, and a new round of the quiz every day, our pupils were quick to test their bookish knowledge throughout the week!  The quiz rounds covered book covers (image), first lines, movie adaptations, blurbs and emoji titles!  Lots of pupils entered, making for a fierce competition, ultimately won by S1 pupil Shrika with a very impressive score of 26/30 points, narrowly beating the competition to win the prize! It was wonderful to see how well our pupils know their books!

Hopefully in the future – or rather, next year – we can celebrate Book Week Scotland in the library again.  Either way, the Big Book Quiz will definitely be making a comeback in 2021, so start your preparations now and READ! READ! READ!