Author Archives: Miss Clarke

Michael Lee Richardson – Poetry Workshop

A massive thanks to Michael Lee Richardson for his amazing LGBTQI+ Pride workshop with a group of our brilliant S2 pupils. They had such a great time working on blackout poems, creating a collaborative poem and discussing a range of topics from The Gorbals Vampire to storylining for Hollyoaks. Poem and pics below!


All Colours, All Pride – a group poem

Pride smells nice, like lavender
pillow spray that makes you sleep.
Pride is calming,
a mix of blue and red.

Pride is dyed lilac hair.

Pride is violets,
and sunflowers,
and dandelions,
Pride is daisies.

Pride is yellow blonde hair.

Pride is blood and rage and danger
and balloons.
Pride is blush
and nail polish
and lipstick
and eyeshadow
and jasper.

Pride is a red pen.

Pride is a blue sea ocean,
calm and relaxed.
Pride is a clear blue sky.

Pride is sad and upset.

Pride is the blue stripes in the trans flag.

Pride is blue stars and seagulls,
Pride is the police,
Pride is drowning and depressed.

Pride is cold and winter.

Pride is orange, like Garfield.
Pride is a Minion.
Pride is confusion.

Pride is the colour of fruits, vegetables,

Pride is all around,
Wherever you are.


Poetry Workshop With Charles Lang

In March we had a visit from the Belfast-based Glaswegian poet Charles Lang. The S1 and S2 classes who took part in the workshops  with Charles had a great time composing their own poems based on the theme of ‘home’.  See below for Kaspian’s fantastic effort.

Fireplace Encouragement  

by Kaspian Mazerski S1 All Saints Secondary  

Sitting by the fireplace 

So warm and so very bright. 

Every time it crackles, 

It gives me a fright. 

My dog sleeping near in a curled position,  

Watching my brother run along the carpet,  

Making fiction. 


“I love my family” I say, 

Eating bread 

I should get ahead, and be early to bed,  

Fall asleep quick…laying in bed 

Hearing a tick, 

The clock going off, 

The day is over. 

No need to scoff, 

There is always tomorrow 

Go get that book you wanted to borrow, 

Go, do the thing you wanted to do. 

Don’t imagine. 

It’s all up to you. 


White Water Writers Signing Event at Lochend

To celebrate our S3 writers’ achievement in writing and publishing a novel in five days, we held a signing event on World Book Day. Teachers, friends and parents were invited and cakes were provided! 🙂 Many thanks again to Yvonne and Dan at White Water Writers for providing our young people with this opportunity.


New Year, New Books!

I always say that the best part of this job is opening up boxes of new books. Six boxes appeared on Monday filled with YA novels, junior fiction and non-fiction. There’s also lots of new graphic novels and manga as requested by the GN&M Club. Needless to say, these flew off the shelf and soon as they got their hands on them. Some very happy young people 🙂

Just some of the new books…