Author Archives: Miss Clarke

May News


Although the library is mainly closed this month due to SQA assessments taking place, we still have a busy time ahead.

Book Amnesty: Please search high and low for any school library books you may have. Drop them off in the library, when you get a chance, or hand them into your English teacher. Don’t worry if they are reaalllly overdue. You have a good excuse! 🙂

Library Newsletter: Please email me if you have anything you would like to submit to the library newsletter. it can be a book review, drawing, poem, flash fiction – anything considered! My email address is:

EAL Reading Group: We’ve started an EAL Reading Group with some of out S3 pupils, as part of a citywide SLIF funded project. What a great group! Plenty to discuss and some biscuits too. Looking forward to all our upcoming sessions.


World Book Day Competition Winners

A somewhat overdue post!

World Book Day was a little bit different this year. As it happened during the second lockdown, we couldn’t celebrate in person but that didn’t stop us from taking part. Our two wonderful and very patient(!) competition winners had to wait a wee bit longer than usual to pick up their prizes.

Well done to Charlie & Lara in S1! Charlie won our WBD quiz and Lara won our WBD short story competition. Well-deserved!


It’s Booked!

Hello and a big welcome back!

Just in case you missed this during lockdown, we have a new library newsletter. Feb and March issues are available and the next issues will come out at the start of May. Keep your eyes peeled! 🙂 I’m really keen to publish pupil work in the newsletter. So if you have any poetry, short stories, book reviews etc. that you’d like to submit, email me –

The links below will take you to the newsletters:

Feb Issue:

March Issue:


It’s Booked!

Hello and a big welcome back!

Just in case you missed this during lockdown, we have a new library newsletter. Feb and March issues are available and the next issues will come out at the start of May. Keep your eyes peeled! 🙂 I’m really keen to publish pupil work in the newsletter. So if you have any poetry, short stories, book reviews etc. that you’d like to submit, email me –

The links below will take you to the newsletters:

Feb Issue:

March Issue:

Teams Can Come True


Bored? Lockdown 2 blues? Reading, listening to music, keeping active and in contact can all help us to relax.

I’ve set up a Teams Page: Lochend Library Club. You’ll find various eResource guides to get access to free eBooks, music, magazines and audio books on your iPad. I’ve also included some booklists in case you’re stuck for what to read next. In the coming days, weeks, months I’ll be adding various activities to the page. There is an ‘Ask the Librarian’ channel too for any queries you have. Please be kind! 🙂

If you would like the code to join, please email me at


Stay safe and happy reading!

Teams Can Come True


Bored? Lockdown 2 blues? Reading, listening to music, keeping active and in contact can all help us to relax.

I’ve set up a Teams Page: All Saints Library Club. You’ll find various eResource guides to get access to free eBooks, music, magazines and audio books on your iPad. I’ve also included some booklists in case you’re stuck for what to read next. In the coming days, weeks, months I’ll be adding various activities to the page. There is an ‘Ask the Librarian’ channel too for any queries you have. Please be kind! 🙂

If you would like the code to join, please email me at


Stay safe and happy reading!

School’s Out For Summer

Hello again!

It’s the last day of term and what a term it’s been. I just wanted to say goodbye and good luck to all the pupils and teachers who are leaving for pastures new.


Your Library Service

Meanwhile, everything is a little up in the air with regards to schools returning in August. We may or may not have to change the library service. If social distancing is still in place and you can’t access the library to browse in the usual way, a ‘click and collect’ service will be in place for pupils to request books or I can recommend books for you (if you dare J). I’ll keep you up to date on the blog and Twitter if there are any changes.


Accessing Ebooks

Hopefully, we’ll have some sunny weather over the holidays; a perfect chance to have a nice, relaxing day reading in the park or garden. Or, if not, a nice, relaxing read on the sofa/beanbag/bed. A reminder that pupils, ex-pupils, parents and teachers can all access Glasgow Libraries ebooks, emagazines, audio books and music:

All you need is your library card number (D00….) and your PIN. I am the gatekeeper of the Lochend PINs! So, if any pupils or teachers need their PIN please email me:


Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge 2020 is now on!  This is open for those up to the age of 12 in Glasgow so why not sign up? Check out the resources here:


Transition Skills Programme

Going to college and university can be exciting and scary at the same time, not least as it will be a big change from school. Fear not! The Transition Skills Programme provided by Queen’s University Belfast will equip you with some skills and information to make your transition smoother and hopefully less scary. I completed all the modules and quizzes and thankfully passed them all. Phew! You can access it here:


Have a wonderful summer holiday everyone!

School’s Out For Summer

Hello again!

It’s the last day of term and what a term it’s been. I just wanted to say goodbye and good luck to all the pupils and teachers who are leaving for pastures new.


Your Library Service

Meanwhile, everything is a little up in the air with regards to schools returning in August. We may or may not have to change the library service. If social distancing is still in place and you can’t access the library to browse in the usual way, a ‘click and collect’ service will be in place for pupils to request books or I can recommend books for you (if you dare J). I’ll keep you up to date on the blog and Twitter if there are any changes.


Accessing Ebooks

Hopefully, we’ll have some sunny weather over the holidays; a perfect chance to have a nice, relaxing day reading in the park or garden. Or, if not, a nice, relaxing read on the sofa/beanbag/bed. A reminder that pupils, ex-pupils, parents and teachers can all access Glasgow Libraries ebooks, emagazines, audio books and music:

All you need is your library card number (D00….) and your PIN. I am the gatekeeper of the All Saints’ PINs! So, if any pupils or teachers need their PIN please email me:


Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge 2020 is now on!  This is open for those up to the age of 12 in Glasgow so why not sign up? Check out the resources here:


Transition Skills Programme

Going to college and university can be exciting and scary at the same time, not least as it will be a big change from school. Fear not! The Transition Skills Programme provided by Queen’s University Belfast will equip you with some skills and information to make your transition smoother and hopefully less scary. I completed all the modules and quizzes and thankfully passed them all. Phew! You can access it here:


Have a wonderful summer holiday everyone!

Twitter & Useful Websites


If you love reading, writing, creating or coding check out the list below which has suggestions for who to follow on Twitter and useful websites to browse. If I come across any more or if anyone has any suggestions I’ll add them.

Who to follow on Twitter

All Saints Library:                             @library_saints

All Saints English:                            @AllSaintsSecENG

Book Trust:                                       @Booktrust

Carnegie Greenaway Awards:         @CILIPCKG

First Minister’s Reading Challenge:  @FMReadChallenge

Glasgow Create:                               @GlasgowCREATE

Glasgow Libraries:                            @GlasgowLib          #GlasgowSchoolLibrarians

Literacy Trust:                                    @Literacy_Trust

National Library of Scotland:              @natlibscot

National Poetry Library                       @ByLeavesWeLive

Scottish Book Trust:                           @scottishbktrust    #UnitedByBooks    #yourfuturestories                                                                                                      #MondayBookClub     #50WordFiction                                                                                                    #ReadingLunch

Toppsta:                                              @toppsta

World Book Day UK:                           @WorldBookDayUK

Young Scot:                                        @YoungScot

Useful Websites

All Saints Library Glow Blog



Books For Keeps:

British Library:

Glasgow Libraries:

Good Reads:

Guardian Books:

Harry Potter at Home:

Love Reading 4 Kids:

National Library of Scotland:

National Literacy Trust:

National Shelf Service

Peters – 100 Books to Read

Poetry Foundation

Scottish Library and Information Council (list of resources and links):

Scottish National Book Trust:

Scottish Poetry Library

The Reading Agency – Summer Reading Challenge:

Tom Palmer – author


World Book Day UK:

Digital Skills & Literacy

Code Club:

Full Fact – independent fact checking

Scratch Coding:




Glasgow Libraries


Free eBooks, Audiobooks, eMagazines!

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder for pupils and teachers: you can access free eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines with your school library card, using the link below.

If anyone needs their library card no or PIN let me know. Also, get in contact if you’re having any problems with accessing or navigating the resources and I’ll try to help. My email address is:

You can also use your normal community library card if you have one. If you would like to join online or have forgotten your PIN use the link below:

Happy reading! 🙂