A focus on Senior Fiction

This year, two lovely groups of S1 has declared that the library is their favourite place in the school, and they have been stopping by after school to draw, to read and to chat every day until closing time. This is wonderful because it is the busiest the school library has been in two years! Along with completing school inductions to the S1 and explaining the benefits of having (and not losing!) a library cards, the librarian also decided to focus on the Senior Fiction section.

In fact, at the start of a new school year, Advance Higher English pupils need to choose their book, so a new display has been made with a mix of classic AH titles, leisurely reads, and contemporary fiction. It has been good to have a wider range of books to recommend when pupils inquire about the topic they’d like to choose, because now the library can better cater to them, too. As a result, more S6 pupils are borrowing from the library and some of the AH English group often come to study together here. Here is a view of what the library has to offer for our Senior readers!

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