The Library Young Team- Alan Bissett @St Mungo’s

As a part of the The Library Young Team project, the second session was led by author Alan Bissett.


He engaged with a group of S3 pupils, involving them in a discussion about toxic masculinity, lad culture, and consent. Drawing from his latest book, “Lads: a Guide to Respect and Consent,” as well as his collaboration with Police Scotland’s campaign, “Don’t Be That Guy,” Alan Bissett talked to young boys about understanding women’s safety issues and offering guidance on respectful behaviour towards girls and women.



He also addressed how societal expectations and gender roles can create barriers that hinder young men from discussing their emotions and mental health, potentially leading to harmful outcomes.








His intervention was empowering, not accusatory or preachy, aiming to help boys navigate their teen years into adulthood with informed choices.

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