St Mungo’s library (finally) re-opened!

Good news! The school library has now reopened and is once again accessible to our pupils after a major refurbishment.

At lunchtime, pupils have the chance to engage in various activities like reading/ borrowing books, playing board games, doing origami, doodling or become a library helpers. These activities not only promote creativity but also contribute to the development of memory, logic, reasoning skills, and expand knowledge.

In our school library, friendships are formed, ideas are shared, and the overall school community thrives.

Additionally, your children have the opportunity to participate in a variety of library clubs, allowing them to explore different interests and engage in enriching activities.

On Tuesdays, the lunchtime activities at school are devoted to an interesting and beneficial session called “Storytelling for Wellbeing”. During this time, pupils engage in the creative process of crafting stories using various mediums like story cubes, music, and images. These stimulating tools help inspire their imaginations and enhance their storytelling skills while promoting overall well-being.

Wednesday after school is the perfect time for young manga/anime enthusiasts to gather and indulge in their shared passion. These clubs are highly sought-after and offer exciting activities like manga quizzes that challenge students’ knowledge. Apart from the quizzes, these clubs also provide an opportunity to explore and immerse themselves in Japanese culture, allowing them to deepen their understanding and appreciation of this unique art form.

Every Thursday, the “Worldwide Diversity Club” organises a lunch exclusively for its members. During this time, members have the opportunity to share and celebrate cultural diversity through presentations, crafts, and engaging exchanges. It is an inclusive and enriching experience that allows individuals from different backgrounds to come together and appreciate various cultures.

Finally, after school on Fridays, many students engage in the exciting world of role- playing games. These games allow them to step into the shoes of adventurers, encountering fictional situations where they must make decisions and face the consequences. It’s a fun and creative way for pupils to immerse themselves in storytelling and problem-solving.

The library is absolutely bursting with life once again!

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