Back to school, welcoming our new Ukrainian friends!

Welcome to our school!

St Mungo’s Academy, like many schools in Glasgow, has welcomed new pupils from Ukraine this year.

To help our newcomers to settle in our school the library was part of a “welcome committee”. On the first day, we welcomed the pupils and their families for a morning coffee chat in the library so they can begin to be familiar with the school and meet key staff. We talked about the education system here in the UK and at St Mungo’s, gave them their uniform, and offered them a wee tour of the school along with their new timetable.

For the occasion, the library helpers and S6 pupils got ready a beautiful welcome banner:

ImageImageImageLater on, the whole school displayed visible symbols of welcome around the school site.

The induction period

The first week their timetable was specially designed to know them, their interest, strength, and talent as well as their English level but most of all it was about nurturing, budding, and befriending.

So we had a lot of ice breaker activities in the library along with music, dance, math, and literacy (classroom language essentials, keywords…) fun classes.





After this week, they were confident enough to join the mainstream classes.

A few days after something happened in the library during lunch break: pupils were downloading apps to better communicate with their new Ukrainian classmates.


I wish our newcomers success, to make new friends, and to enjoy their journey in St Mungo’s Academy.

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