JPA April Update

Even though most of the month was taken up with the Easter Break, April has still been a very fun and busy time here in the library!  Here’s everything we got up to in just two weeks!

New Club – Storycraft Club

We have started a brand new lunch club in the library – the Storycraft Club!  For those of you keeping track, yes, that is now a library club every single lunchtime of the week!  In this club, we will take part in reading, writing, arts, crafts, games, building and all sorts of creative enterprises revolving around storytelling!  The focus of our club is on mental health and wellbeing and diverse stories.  I’m looking forward to telling you about the exciting projects this club will be getting up to.  This project is supported by the Scottish Government School Library Improvement Fund.

Comic Club

We have been working on our own comic strips since returning from the Easter break – hopefully we can share some finished comics with you in the May update.

EAL Book Club

Cinderella stories are still being written!  The group has all agreed to write their own individual stories and when they are finished, we’ll take the best elements of the stories to create one as a group – possibly as a play!

RPG Club

Our pupils have continued their campaign in A Battle of Bookwyrms!  After meeting their mysterious host, Oskar Tremorspear, a librarian for Dragonsport Library, the characters have been sent on a quest to retrieve a very rare and powerful spellbook that was borrowed and not returned.  (Is this story fuelled by this librarian’s frustrations about overdue books?  You can be the judge of that.)  The characters set out on the trail north of town to the home of Rairdon Grimm, the Mage who borrowed the book.  Not long after entering the Briar Rose Woods, they come across a Blink Dog, who despite an unfortunate incident with a Firebolt, has been persuaded to join the group.  The new party member has been named MJ, short for Michael Jackson.  When the party found the Mage’s hut, it appeared to be empty, but upon investigation the group was attacked by a Vine Blight hiding inside!  Check back again next month to find out how the group faired…

Volunteers Club

Our volunteers have been working hard since our return after the Easter Break to make the library better for everyone.  They have started work on a mew project to label all the fiction books with their genre and keywords, making it easier for everyone to find the right book for them.  Obviously this is a massive project, but with the effort of our volunteers it could hopefully be completed before the summer!

Wee Write Author Visit – S.M. Wilson

Our S1 pupils were treated to an author visit from YA author S.M. Wilson as part of the Wee Write Festival – Glasgow’s Book Festival for Children and Young People.  Susan came and spoke to the children about her love of space and dinosaurs and her writing process – amazing stuff!  The pupils were riveted all period and had a great time.

S2 Authors

Speaking of authors, the library hosted a wonderful event for an S2 English class!  The pupils had written their own novels, and were invited to a ‘book launch’ event in the library.  They pitched their novels to the different ‘publishers’ present (consisting of the wonderful teachers and SLT here at JPA, as well as myself) and then enjoyed some drinks and nibbles while negotiating their book deals!  The pupils were all so enthusiastic about their books, with talk of series potential and movie deals!  I was thrilled to host this event in the library and hope we have have similar events in here again!

Phew!  That’s everything from April.  If you want to see what’s coming up in May, then check out the latest edition of our newsletter, Bookmarked, at this link.

Happy Reading, 

Miss West (Librarian)

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