JPA Library – March Update

In the final push to the Easter Break, March has been a busy and exciting month, filled with fun activities from start to finish – enjoy!

World Book Day

The month started off with our World Book Day activities!  All our pupils were given their £1 book tokens to spend on free World Book Day books, but pupils also had the chance to win these books in our competitions and games for World Book Day!  Pupils were invited to write 50-word short stories on the theme of ‘World’, and came along to our annual WBD Mystery Game in the library!

This year, while doing its World Tour for World Book Day, the Best Book in the World was stolen!  The thief hid clues in books around the library that pupils had to find and solve to discover where the book had been taken.  The pupils transformed into detectives and were immediately on the case!  In one lunch break, pupils were able to find all the clues, solve all the puzzles, and discover that the Best Book in the World had been taken to Peru!  Everyone who took part received a free World Book Day book!

Our Clubs:

Find out what our clubs got up to this month:

Comic Club

We’ve been practicing our comic skills this month with some Quick Comic sessions.  Pupils needed to draw in under 2 minutes a randomly generated character and scene.  Highlights include the confused robots in ballgowns in a castle, happy alien clowns at bus stops, and angry people in library (the most unrealistic IMO).

EAL Book Club

We have started drafting our Cinderella stories!  I don’t want to give away any spoilers, because the group is very excited about their stories and keeping them private for now (they may have taken their jotters home over the Easter break to keep working/so I can’t take a peek) but there has been discussion of gender-swapping, murder mysteries, and stories of revenge!

RPG Club

Let the games begin!  Our pupils have started playing a Dungeons and Dragons style campaign called A Battle of Bookwyrms (I may have created a book themed game – this is a library club after all!).  Their characters were sent invitations to an unknown place, and under the promise of adventure and riches, they all chose to go, meeting for the first time.  However, when they arrived at their destination, they were led into an arena and ambushed!  The brave party were able to fight their way out and have now been offered a job.  What job could it be?  Find out next month!

Our Volunteers

Our volunteers have continued working hard to make the library a great space for everyone.  Staff and pupils have responded well to their great Genre displays made this month, one for Romance and one for Mystery books, our most popular genres!  There’s a big project on the horizon for our volunteers after the holidays, and I’m thrilled with how they have helped to make the library such a fun and exciting space within our school!

Easter Egg Hunt

[I know this one technically happened in April but it’s too fun to leave until next month!]

Our library mascot Bellamy was joined by a couple of mischievous chicks on the last day of school, who then hid Easter Eggs all through the library!  Our pupils then got to enjoy an Easter Egg Hunt and the sweet chocolatey taste of success after!  A very fun note on which to end the term!

To see everything that April has to offer, check out the latest edition of our newsletter – Bookmarked!

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