Library events: Hobbit Day Celebration


This year our great Library Team will host a bookish event every month.

The first planned was Hobbit Day Celebration on Wednesday, 22nd September.

Each library assistants has helped to make it a great success:

  • Muhammed, Abdul, Samarin, and Rio have wonderfully pulled together a book display, to decorate the library, but also to suggest their favourite fantasy books.
  • Eilidh, Abigail and Nathan have planned the activities.
  • Maria has drawn a brilliant event poster to spread across  the school.

On the event day,in small teams we have solved Gollum’s riddles, looking for clues around the library, and completing a related crossword. We were very busy, but it was lovely to see so many young people adventuring in a new book genre, socializing and having fun.

Here are our event winners!






Do not worry, though, as we are already working on the next event! 


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