We’re back!

Hi there! The blog has been a bit quiet lately as we have been busy producing a shiny new newsletter. Every month, we will be featuring some of the best the library at St. Andrew’s has to offer plus book reviews, events and much much more. Follow the link here for the March edition and here for the April/May edition. We have already had some pupils coming forward to contribute to next months’ edition but we are always looking for more! Email me on gw19mcgregormark@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk if you are interested.

Our service will be limited over the coming weeks due to assessments taking place in the library which will make browsing very difficult, if not very close to impossible. But fear not! We still have a click and collect service! Look out for the QR codes around the school or follow this link and fill out a form! 

Also, to keep up to date with the very latest goings on in the library, follow us on Twitter! @standrew_schlib

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