Although the library is mainly closed this month due to SQA assessments taking place, we still have a busy time ahead.
Book Amnesty: Please search high and low for any school library books you may have. Drop them off in the library, when you get a chance, or hand them into your English teacher. Don’t worry if they are reaalllly overdue. You have a good excuse!
Library Newsletter: Please email me if you have anything you would like to submit to the library newsletter. it can be a book review, drawing, poem, flash fiction – anything considered! My email address is: gw17clarkepamela@glow.sch.uk
EAL Reading Group: We’ve started an EAL Reading Group with some of out S3 pupils, as part of a citywide SLIF funded project. What a great group! Plenty to discuss and some biscuits too. Looking forward to all our upcoming sessions.