JPA Library Update

It’s been a while since the library was fully open to pupils.  Here’s an update on what’s been happening in the library since the school came back in August:

The Library is Online!


The JPA Library has its own Team!  Join on Microsoft Teams to

  • get access to news and updates about the library
  • the School Library Newsletter
  • induction and information videos
  • competitions
  • request forms
  • browse the library online
  • get access to loads of free resources
  • ask the librarian any questions you have about the library and getting books.

The Team Code to join is available from the library!

Book Browser

While it isn’t possible for pupils to come to the library, it’s still possible to look at the books – online!  Book Browser lets you browse the library books from your shiny new iPads wherever you are.  Choose your favourite categories, and just click on the book cover to find out more.  Find Book Browser in the Team files and look for your next read!

Virtual Displays

As well as Book Browser, keep an eye out for Virtual Displays on Teams.  Check these out for themed collections, such as this display for Black History Month.  Click on a book cover to learn more about the book, and use the link to send a request form to the librarian.


Request forms are available on the JPA Library Teams page to allow pupils to request books online!  Simply fill in your details, submit the form, and your book will be delivered to your English class ASAP.

In addition to requests, you can also review books online too!  If you’ve read something fantastic and you need the rest of the world to read this book too, then submit a book review online, and it will be published in the School Library Newsletter!


If you want the news from the library as it’s happening, then follow us on Twitter!  Keep up to date with everything happening in the library, see great book recommendations, and links to fabulous free resources and activities.

NEW: School Library Newsletter

A new School Library Newsletter is now published at the start of every month.  This keeps you up-to-date with events, what’s happening in the library, book lists and recommendations, reviews, games and competitions!  The Newsletter is available on Teams and Twitter so check in here for more details! 


New Books

Since starting back after the summer, there have been SO MANY NEW BOOKS added to the library.  These are available to view in Book Browser and virtual displays, as well as shared on Twitter so check them out! 

Still here!

Even though the library is working differently for the time being, we’re still open for business and here for all your bookish needs!

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