September 2019 Roundup – St Margaret Mary’s Secondary School Library

Welcome to St. Margaret Mary’s Library!

The Library is divided into three main sections: Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Senior.  The Fiction section is arranged by genre and the Non-Fiction section is arranged by subjects. This is a result of a pupil survey that was circulated in December 2018. The pupils opted for a Genre-based system so that they could access the stories that interested them.

Action:  Spies and espionage, missions, survival, adventure

Fantasy: Magic & wizardry, supernatural powers and beasts, adventures & quests, myths, legends, folklore, fairy tales

Historical Fiction: Based on true events/people, set in the past, diaries/memoirs. Currently covers stories set in Neolithic period through to the end of WWII

Horror: Ghosts, hauntings, zombies, creepy dolls, dangerous creatures, Gothic stories

Humour: Comedy, diary stories, jokes

Comics, Graphic Novels, and Manga: DC/Marvel, Simpsons, Adventure Time, Lumberjanes.  novelizations of chapter books & classics (Alex Rider, Percy Jackson, To Kill a Mockingbird, Pokemon, Blue Exorcist, Fairy Tail

Realistic Fiction: Bullying, discrimination & racism, refugee stories, bereavement, mental and physical health stories, poverty, homelessness, coming-of-age

Relationships: Romance, families, friendships, crushes, first-love, crushes, emotional connections

Science Fiction: Space, time travel, alien beings, dystopian futures, alternate reality/universe, gamer stories

Thriller/Mystery: Detectives, crime, disappearances

Non-Fiction Sections: The Non-Fiction Subject arrangement ties in with the curriculum so that pupils can easily access the information they require for classwork or leisure reading. Sections include History, Society, Arts, Literature, Science and Technology, Sports, Entertainment, Languages, Mental and Physical Health, and World of Work.

Senior Section: The Senior section holds a small but well-stocked range of classics old and new, award-winners, Scottish authors, popular film tie-ins, and best-sellers, non-fiction titles, and adult graphic novels.


It was a pleasure getting to meet our new S1 pupils from St Margaret Mary’s as well as classes from St. Oswalds . Classes were introduced to the library and the resources available to them. It turns out we have plenty of keen readers this year who are already making their way through new book series.


This year, we’re rolling out the Bookpoloy reading challenge for S1s and 2s. This reading challenge encourages participants to explore genres and non-fiction subjects. Pupils are given their Bookopoly board. Each ‘property’ (or, ‘genre’) is colour coded on the board. Participants must read two books per genre (or one non-fiction book per subject) to collect their genre badge and have their name put into the end of the year prize draw. Further chances to win can be achieved by completing a ‘Chance’ block. This could be a recommendation from the teacher, the Librarian, a book that’s over 300 pages, etc. Participants can record their progress and opinion on the books they’ve read on the back of their Bookopoly board.