Family Learning in Royston Library

The Family ESOL Group was originally developed by Glasgow Life to offer parents/carers, who couldn’t access mainstream ESOL, an opportunity to learn English with their pre-five children.

The ESOL Family programme is an 8-week programme, which runs for 1.5 hours per week in Royston Library. It has a different theme every week such as colours, food or animals and learners sing a new song with their children every week.  There is also time set aside at end of the session to signpost to other appropriate ESOL and family activities.

Family ESOL Intended Outcomes:

  • Increased confidence in interacting with family in English.
  • Provide parents and carers with ideas and knowledge of a range of positive play activities using ESOL.
  • Provide parents and carers with an understanding of learning through play.
  • Learn about further opportunities for ESOL and support for families, thereby reducing isolation and promoting integration.

The Family ESOL Group is making a real difference to lives. The feedback from parents includes:

‘Before my daughter wouldn’t mix, now she does after coming here.’

‘At home I used to only play Chinese songs but I now have an app on my phone so that me and my husband can sing English songs to my son’.

‘I have learnt some nice songs in English which I now sing at home’

‘My English is improving now, I look at CBeebies and I understand Mr Tumble!’

‘My husband is pleased I come here because I am meeting other mums.’

‘It is nice, I have learned how to teach my daughter some new things, like the colours on traffic lights’

‘On the TV I have heard some songs that we have sung here, I know them now’

 ‘We talk to each other and it helps my English and me as a mum’

Those taking part in the group are also progressing on to other activities. A couple of the group have now joined the International Women’s Group ESOL whilst others are enjoying making use of the library services and other programmes.

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