Tag: govanhill

April Newsletter 2023

Cuthbertson Primary School

Eid Celebration

Thank you to all who supported out Eid Celebration on Thursday. We hope you enjoyed the afternoon.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

School Playground

We are delighted to finally announce that the playground renovations are now complete. Miss Kennedy continues to work on improving the garden area. The children are enjoying the new playground markings.


Please make every effort to have your child arrive to school by 9am. On occasion, we can have as many as 50 children arriving late which disrupts the class and your child’s learning.


Thank you to the majority of our families who ensure the children are attending in school uniform. If you require any support or advice on school uniform please speak with a member of the school management team.


Progress reports for your child will be issued in term 4.

Nursery Transition

We will be welcoming our new August 2023 Primary 1 children and their families to our school on various dates during May and June.

Dates for Your Diary

Monday 1 May – holiday

Monday 8 May – Holiday

Thursday 25 May – staff development (school closed to children)

Friday 26 May – holiday

Monday 29 May – Holiday

Friday 23 June 1pm – school closes for holiday


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

March Newsletter 2023

Cuthbertson Primary School

Parent and Carer Evenings

Thank you for coming along to speak with your child’s teacher. We had excellent attendance on both evenings.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

School Playground

Unfortunately, due to a delay with the company, the playground markings have still to be completed. This will be rescheduled in the near future. Thanks to the parents who attended on Tuesday 28 March to work on our garden area.


Please make every effort to have your child arrive to school by 9am. On occasion, we can have as many as 50 children arriving late which disrupts the class and your child’s learning.


Progress reports for your child will be issued in term 4.

Dates for Your Diary

Friday 31 March – School closes at 2.30pm for holiday

Monday 17 April – School re-opens

Thursday 27 April – Eid Celebration (more info to follow)

Monday 1 May – Holiday – May Day

Monday 8 May – Holiday – Coronation Day

Thursday 25 May – staff development (school closed to children)

Friday 26 May – Holiday

Monday 29 May – Holiday – Spring Bank

Friday 23 June 1pm – school closes for summer holiday


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

January Newsletter 2023

Cuthbertson Primary School

Welcome back to all our children and families after the Christmas holiday.


You will see that, despite good progress being made, we are still awaiting final dates for completion of the playground works.

Donation Day

Primary 4 are organising a day for donations (toiletries) for the charity Refuweegee. The provisional date is Thursday 23 February with more information to follow.

Parent Council

Our Parent Council continue to meet most Thursday mornings at 9.15am for coffee and a chat. All welcome.

Ongoing Strike Action

Due to a provisional February strike date, we have had to change the date for one of our Parent Evenings. More info to follow and appointments will be issued closer to the dates.


Almost all of our children are wearing school uniform. Please not that non-uniform items such as jeans are not acceptable as school uniform. Thank you for your continued support in this area.


Please try to keep GP, dental appointments etc to after school.

Taking pupils out of class is disruptive to both their education and that of the other children in the class.

If you need to take your child out of class, please bring the appointment details to the office, and we will collect your child.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Pay

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and upcoming school trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.

Dates for Your Diary

Monday 13-Tuesday 14 Feb (inclusive): Holidays

Wednesday 15 Feb: School closed to children for staff training

Thursday 16 Feb: School re-opens

Thursday 23 Feb: Donation day for Refuweegee

Tuesday 28 Feb: Possible strike action


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

November Newsletter 2022

Cuthbertson Primary School


Our Christmas Market takes place on Friday 2nd December with children visiting the stalls on Friday morning and parents/carers attending the market in the afternoon. This will be our first in person Christmas Market since December 2019 and we look forward to sharing this with you.

Parent Council

Our Parent Council are hoping to run a multicultural coffee morning in January – details to follow.

Feedback from Parent/Carer Survey

A key theme emerging from our parent/carer survey on both Parent/Carer Evenings was support in the use of digital technology. Mr Keenan is planning to run a club for parents – details to follow.


Almost all of our children are wearing school uniform. Please not that non-uniform items such as jeans are not acceptable as school uniform. Thank you for your continued support in this area.


We are awaiting final dates for the completion of playground works. This will include the wall to the Pollokshaws road side of the school and playground markings. Please note that there is no longer finance to support improvements to the old janitor’s house on site.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent/Carer Evenings

Thanks to all who attended our recent Parent/Carer Evenings. It was lovely to have in person meetings rather than paper interim reports.

Parent Pay

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.

Dates for Your Diary

Friday 2 December: Christmas Market (am for children/pm for families)

Thursday 8 December: Christmas Nativity/Concert (pm)

Thursday 22 December: School closes 2.30pm

Wed 4 January: School reopens


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

October 2022 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School

Welcome back after the October holiday. It is lovely to see everyone back and looking so smart in school uniforms.


Work is almost complete in our playground following the opening of the new Victoria Road Nursery. The children have waited a long time to get their playground space back.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.


Our children and parents enjoyed our Diwali celebrations on Thursday 27 October. It is a delight to have our families back in the school building.

Parent/Carer Evenings

These will take place on Tuesday 8 November and Wednesday 16 November. You will receive an appointment in due course.


See below for dates of further events this term. More information will follow as we get closer to the dates for these events.

Parent Pay

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school is no longer be able to accept cash payments.

School Lunches

School lunches are free for children in P1-5 and for children in P6-7 who have successfully applied for free school meals. If your child is in P6 or P7 and is not entitled to free school meals the options are to provide a packed lunch or to pay for a school dinner via Parent Pay. This will avoid building up debt which will require to be repaid to Glasgow City Council. The school cannot accept cash payments.

For support in either applying for free school meals or in accessing Parent Pay please contact the school office in the first instance.

Seesaw Family

This is our main communication platform so please contact the school if you have issues downloading, accessing or using this app.

Download the app here: Android or Apple or visit app.seesaw.me

Dates for Your Diary

Tue 8 Nov: Parent/Carer evening

Wed 16 Nov: Parent/Carer evening

Thu 24 Nov: St Andrew’s Day celebration – more details to follow

Fri 2 Dec: Christmas Market

Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

September 2022 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School

House System and Values: 

This session our new House Captains and Vice Captains have led their first House Meeting of the year. All classes have a school values chart and children are awarded house points against our values. Our values were revamped last year and voted on by children, staff and parents. Our values are Honesty, Everyone is Kind, Achieving, Respect and Teamwork (HEART).

Our new Vice Captains and House Captains are noted below:

Barbour House

Vice Captains – Ianis Plumbas and Abuzar Muhammed

House Captains – Zeenat Hussain and Kadijah Jaiteh

Hoy House 

Vice Captains – Jason Malek, Grace Miller and Aiza Anum

House Captains – Rehan Ali, Talha Ahmad and Kuba Baig

Azzudin House 

Vice Captains – Shazaib Akram, Hadiya Hassan, Umama Asif

House Captains – Simon Lacatus, Harry Singh and Fakiha Asif

Haining House 

Vice Captains – Sean Malek, Terezia Isztojka and Hasan Akram

House Captains – Anisa Abukar, Kaif Malik and Taha Hussain


Parent Council

Our Parent Council, supported by our House and Vice Captains, organised a coffee morning to raise funds for the Pakistan Flood Appeal. They raised £1157.69. Thanks to those who organised, attended or donated to this appeal. Our Parent Council are looking ahead now to the planning of a Diwali celebration event.


Over the coming months there will be a variety of teaching students joining us at Cuthbertson. You may see them around school or in the playground.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Evenings

Our Parent Evenings will be held on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 16th November from 3.30 until 6pm.

South Seeds charity, based on Victoria Road, will have a representative at both evenings to discuss concerns around gas/electricity bills.

Seesaw Family

This is our main communication platform so please contact the school is you have issues downloading, accessing or using this app.

Download the app here: Android or Apple or visit app.seesaw.me

What’s on

Fri 14 October:  School closed for staff training – no children to attend

Mon 17 Oct:       School closed all week for holiday

Mon 25 Oct:       School opens and children return



August 2022 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School     


Welcome back to Cuthbertson Primary. I hope you have had a lovely summer. I offer a special hello to all the new families who have joined us in Primary One and throughout the school. Our children have settled well and are enjoying their learning and seeing their friends again.


The class teachers for this session are:

P1H Mrs Hughes (Carswell) P5M Mrs MacTavish
P1M Miss McGregor P5H Mr Harris
P2R Mrs Robson (Collins) P6C Mrs Canzanella
P2Y Mrs Young P6/7 Mrs Shaikh and Mrs Gillies
P3M Mrs Martin P7H Miss Hamilton
P3R Miss Rozite Nurture Mrs Wood
P4K Mrs Kebabti NCCT/Support/Child Development Officer/School Development Mr McGrath; Mrs McFadden (CDO); Mrs Inam; Mrs Salisbury (Principal Teacher); Mr Keenan (Principal Teacher); Miss Brownlee
P4H Mrs Harris


Support for Learning Staff:

Mrs Doherty; Mrs Johnston;  Mrs McAreavey; Mrs Naeem;  Mrs Kernack; Mrs Hamilton; Mrs Aftab; Mrs Kausar

English Additional Language Teachers Mrs Ahmad

Mrs Chalmers

Mrs El Harek

Miss Melville (Principal Teacher)



Senior Management Team:

Mrs Murrie – Headteacher

Miss K Kennedy – Depute Headteacher (responsible for P4-7)

Miss G Kennedy – Depute Headteacher (responsible for P1 – P3)



Office Staff:

Miss Kinsey

Mr Osborne

Jim Sweeney (Janitor)

Interpreting Services:

Madalin – Romanian

Roman – Slovakian

Mrs Ahmad – Urdu

Other languages supported on request via central interpreting services or our Young Interpreters




I am pleased to see almost all children wearing their school uniform this session and would like to thank parents for their support with this.

If you have not done so already, please ensure that items of clothing, including jackets, are labelled with your child’s name to avoid loss.

Clothing grants for school uniforms can be accessed online at www.glasgow.gov.uk as we are no longer provided with paper forms.


P.E. often takes place outside. Please ensure your child has appropriate P.E. kit for indoor and outdoor P.E. Ear-rings should not be worn for P.E.


Homework will be issued in various formats, but most often, homework will be issued and completed via Seesaw.

Dropping off and Collecting Children

We continue with our soft start and end to the day with gates and doors open from 8.50am and again from 2.50pm.

Parent Council

Please consider joining our small, friendly Parent Council group. We would love to have your support and views. If you would be interested, please contact me through the school office. Language  barriers are not an issue as interpreters can be arranged.

Healthy Eating

Please support our healthy eating initiative by providing healthy snacks and lunches in regular size portions. No takeaways or items such as family size bags or crisps or packs of pastries are permitted. Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle.

Absence during term time

Please be aware that we cannot authorise or support term time travel as this has a negative impact on your child’s learning.

Any travel arrangements made during term time will require supporting evidence, such as travel documents to be presented to the school office.

We also require you to contact the school to arrange an appointment to complete school paperwork regarding any planned travel and have this approved by a member of the school management team.

Due to school waiting lists in the area, extensive travel may result in your child being removed from the school roll.

Please support your child by ensuring maximum attendance. Absence in term time leads to reduced attainment and may result in your child not achieving their expected academic levels.


Please contact the school if your child is unwell and cannot attend school.


This is our default method for communication with children and families due to the high cost of text messaging. Please ensure you have the Seesaw Family app downloaded and that the school has a parental email address. Contact the school office should you require any assistance setting this up.

Playground Update

A further section of the playground has been resurfaced over the summer and we have a new gazebo and play fort. Work on the multi-use games area and sail shade for the playground is ongoing. The council are providing regular updates on progress although the slow progress is very disappointing for our children.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Cost of Living Crisis

If families are struggling during these hard times, there are various support agencies on the South Side who may be able to help, such as South Seeds on Victoria Road, the Glasgow SE Foodbank on Inglefield Street, or the People’s Pantry on Cathcart Road.

School Holiday Dates 2022-2023

Please keep on your fridge!

September weekend Friday 23 and Monday 26 September 2022
In-service Day 3 Friday 14 October 2022
October break Monday 17 to Friday 21 October 2022 (inclusive)
Christmas/New Year School closes at 2.30pm on Thursday 22 December 2022

Friday 23 December to Tuesday 3 January 2023 (inclusive)

Return to school Wednesday  4 January 2023
February Holiday Monday 13 February to Tuesday 14 February 2023 (inclusive)
In-service Day 4 Wednesday 15 February 2023
Spring Holiday (Easter)


School closes at 2.30pm on Friday 31 March 2023

Monday 3 April to Friday 14 April 2023 (inclusive)

Return to school Monday 17 April 2023
May Day Monday 1 May 2023
In-service Day 5 Thursday 25 May 2023
May Weekend Friday 26 and Monday 29 May 2023
Schools close Friday 23 June 2023 at 1pm
Return date for teachers Mon 14  August 2023
Return date for pupils Wed 16  August 2023


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

May 2022 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School     


This is our final newsletter of the 2021-2022 session. Our next newsletter will be at the end of August 2022.


You will notice some further space restrictions in the playground between now and the end of term. This is allow work to begin on the multi-use games area (MUGA) that will be located towards the Coplaw Street end of the playground. It is hoped that by starting this work now, both the MUGA and the rest of the resurfacing will be complete for the children returning in August.

Some items that the school have purchased such as a new gazebo, play fort and shade sail will be installed during the month of August.

Parent Council

The Parent Council hope to bring back their popular coffee mornings after the summer holidays. We will keep you posted on this. As always, if you wish to become involved in the Parent Council, please contact me via the school office or speak with our Parent Council chairperson – Mrs Aishah Haq.

We would like to thank Mosey Uddin for her enormous contribution to the Parent Council and the life of the school for the past 7 years. Mosey’s son Raees leaves for secondary school at the end of term so Mosey will be giving up her role as Parent Council Treasurer. Thank you Mosey.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Pay

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Failure to select meals in advance through Parent Pay may result in your child not having access to their preferred choice of meal.

Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.

P7 pupils will have their Parent Pay accounts transferred to their secondary school


Cuthbertson Primary School goes live with Parents Portal on June 6th.  This will help engagement with school, improve communication direct to parents and provide convenience.

Further details have been emailed to parents and posted to Twitter.


Progress reports for your child will be issued in June.


Staffing for next session is still being finalised. You will be informed of your child’s new teacher during the month of June. This is subject to change as staffing changes can happen over the summer holidays.

Dates for Your Diary

Wednesday 1 June – Go Yellow Walk (children involved will have received further information)

Thursday 2 June – Friday 3 June (inclusive) – holiday

Monday 20 June – Primary 7 Awards Ceremony – 1.45pm (parents welcome)

Wednesday 22 June – Primary 7 Beach Ball (afternoon)

Friday 24 June 1pm – school closes for holiday


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie, Head Teacher

April 2022 Newsletter


Cuthbertson Primary School     


Covid Guidelines:

Our restrictions have eased and schools are now advised to follow general workplace guidance, which recommends face masks for adults in communal areas and physical distancing. This will allow us to start having small numbers of parents in the school building for certain events. Please continue to support us by wearing a face covering when in the school building. I will advise you of any further easing of restrictions in school buildings as we moved towards the end of term.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Pay:

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Failure to select meals in advance through Parent Pay may result in your child not having access to their preferred choice of meal.

Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.


Progress reports for your child will be issued later this term.

Dates for Your Diary:

Monday 2 May – Holiday

Thursday 5 May – Staff development (school closed to children)

Friday 6 May – Eid Celebration for our children in school

Friday 27 May – Holiday

Wednesday 1 June – Go Yellow Walk (children involved will receive further information)

Thursday 2 June – Friday 3 June (inclusive) – holiday

Friday 24 June 1pm – school closes for holiday


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

March 2022 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School 

March 2022 Newsletter

Covid Guidelines:

After the Easter holidays restrictions on parents and carers in the school building will ease. We will be able to begin having small numbers of parents in the building, following the remaining school guidelines of physical distancing and mask wearing. This will allow us to support transitions to Primary 1 and celebrate our P7 leavers. We hope to also restart one of our family learning groups in the summer term.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Pay:

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Failure to select meals in advance through Parent Pay may result in your child not having access to their preferred choice of meal. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.

School Playground:

We have begun to accept delivery of various planters and fittings that will enhance our playground in the coming months. At the moment we are still on schedule for the remainder of the playground to be resurfaced and the multi-use games area to be installed over the summer holidays.

New Nursery Building:

The current plan is for Govanhill Nursery children and Cuthbertson Nursery children to move to this new building, adjacent to the school, in August. The new nursery is called Victoria Road Nursery School and the new Head of Nursery is Nicola George (current head of Govanhill Nursery).


Progress reports for your child will be issued in term 4.

Attendance, absence and appointments:

Parents are reminded that the school day starts at 9am. Please ensure your child arrives before this. Children absent for vomiting/diarrhea should remain off school for 48 hours from the last incident.

Appointments for doctors, dentist etc should be booked outside of school hours where possible to reduce the disruption in class for your child and other pupils.

Dates for Your Diary:

Friday 1 April – School closes at 2.30 for holiday

Tuesday 19 April – School re-opens at 9am

Monday 2 May – holiday

Thursday 5 May – staff development (school closed to children)

Friday 27 May – holiday

Thursday 2 June – Friday 3 June (inclusive) – holiday

Friday 24 June 1pm – school closes for holiday




Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher