Cuthbertson Primary School
Welcome back after the October holiday. It is lovely to see everyone back and looking so smart in school uniforms.
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Our children and parents can enjoy our Diwali celebrations on Friday 8 November. More information to follow.
Parent/Carer Evenings
These will take place on Wednesday 6 November and Tuesday 12 November. You will receive an appointment in due course.
Financial Inclusion
We have a finance officer in school every Monday and Thursday morning to help families with a variety of issues including housing, benefits, employment and training etc. Please drop in on a Monday or Thursday morning to speak to Emma or to arrange an appointment. All information shared with Emma is confidential and she can arrange to meet you outside of the school building, should you prefer.
ESOL and Numeracy Classes
We have an ESOL class running on Monday mornings at 9.00am for the next 5 weeks and a Numeracy class running on Thursday mornings at 9.00. There is no need to book these classes and they are open to all of our parents/carers. Both classes are held in school.
Parent Pay
The council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.
School Lunches
School lunches are free for children in P1-5 and for children in P6-7 who have successfully applied for free school meals. If your child is in P6 or P7 and is not entitled to free school meals the options are to provide a packed lunch or to pay for a school dinner via Parent Pay. This will avoid building up debt which will require to be repaid to Glasgow City Council. The school cannot accept cash payments.
For support in either applying for free school meals or in accessing Parent Pay please contact the school office in the first instance.
Dates for Your Diary:
Fri 8 Nov: Diwali celebration
Wed 6 Nov: Parent/Carer evening
Tue 12 Nov: Parent/Carer evening
Fri 6 Dec: Christmas Market
Kind regards
Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher