Author: Mr Osborne

May 2022 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School     


This is our final newsletter of the 2021-2022 session. Our next newsletter will be at the end of August 2022.


You will notice some further space restrictions in the playground between now and the end of term. This is allow work to begin on the multi-use games area (MUGA) that will be located towards the Coplaw Street end of the playground. It is hoped that by starting this work now, both the MUGA and the rest of the resurfacing will be complete for the children returning in August.

Some items that the school have purchased such as a new gazebo, play fort and shade sail will be installed during the month of August.

Parent Council

The Parent Council hope to bring back their popular coffee mornings after the summer holidays. We will keep you posted on this. As always, if you wish to become involved in the Parent Council, please contact me via the school office or speak with our Parent Council chairperson – Mrs Aishah Haq.

We would like to thank Mosey Uddin for her enormous contribution to the Parent Council and the life of the school for the past 7 years. Mosey’s son Raees leaves for secondary school at the end of term so Mosey will be giving up her role as Parent Council Treasurer. Thank you Mosey.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Pay

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Failure to select meals in advance through Parent Pay may result in your child not having access to their preferred choice of meal.

Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.

P7 pupils will have their Parent Pay accounts transferred to their secondary school


Cuthbertson Primary School goes live with Parents Portal on June 6th.  This will help engagement with school, improve communication direct to parents and provide convenience.

Further details have been emailed to parents and posted to Twitter.


Progress reports for your child will be issued in June.


Staffing for next session is still being finalised. You will be informed of your child’s new teacher during the month of June. This is subject to change as staffing changes can happen over the summer holidays.

Dates for Your Diary

Wednesday 1 June – Go Yellow Walk (children involved will have received further information)

Thursday 2 June – Friday 3 June (inclusive) – holiday

Monday 20 June – Primary 7 Awards Ceremony – 1.45pm (parents welcome)

Wednesday 22 June – Primary 7 Beach Ball (afternoon)

Friday 24 June 1pm – school closes for holiday


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie, Head Teacher

April 2022 Newsletter


Cuthbertson Primary School     


Covid Guidelines:

Our restrictions have eased and schools are now advised to follow general workplace guidance, which recommends face masks for adults in communal areas and physical distancing. This will allow us to start having small numbers of parents in the school building for certain events. Please continue to support us by wearing a face covering when in the school building. I will advise you of any further easing of restrictions in school buildings as we moved towards the end of term.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Pay:

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Failure to select meals in advance through Parent Pay may result in your child not having access to their preferred choice of meal.

Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.


Progress reports for your child will be issued later this term.

Dates for Your Diary:

Monday 2 May – Holiday

Thursday 5 May – Staff development (school closed to children)

Friday 6 May – Eid Celebration for our children in school

Friday 27 May – Holiday

Wednesday 1 June – Go Yellow Walk (children involved will receive further information)

Thursday 2 June – Friday 3 June (inclusive) – holiday

Friday 24 June 1pm – school closes for holiday


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

March 2022 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School 

March 2022 Newsletter

Covid Guidelines:

After the Easter holidays restrictions on parents and carers in the school building will ease. We will be able to begin having small numbers of parents in the building, following the remaining school guidelines of physical distancing and mask wearing. This will allow us to support transitions to Primary 1 and celebrate our P7 leavers. We hope to also restart one of our family learning groups in the summer term.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Pay:

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Failure to select meals in advance through Parent Pay may result in your child not having access to their preferred choice of meal. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.

School Playground:

We have begun to accept delivery of various planters and fittings that will enhance our playground in the coming months. At the moment we are still on schedule for the remainder of the playground to be resurfaced and the multi-use games area to be installed over the summer holidays.

New Nursery Building:

The current plan is for Govanhill Nursery children and Cuthbertson Nursery children to move to this new building, adjacent to the school, in August. The new nursery is called Victoria Road Nursery School and the new Head of Nursery is Nicola George (current head of Govanhill Nursery).


Progress reports for your child will be issued in term 4.

Attendance, absence and appointments:

Parents are reminded that the school day starts at 9am. Please ensure your child arrives before this. Children absent for vomiting/diarrhea should remain off school for 48 hours from the last incident.

Appointments for doctors, dentist etc should be booked outside of school hours where possible to reduce the disruption in class for your child and other pupils.

Dates for Your Diary:

Friday 1 April – School closes at 2.30 for holiday

Tuesday 19 April – School re-opens at 9am

Monday 2 May – holiday

Thursday 5 May – staff development (school closed to children)

Friday 27 May – holiday

Thursday 2 June – Friday 3 June (inclusive) – holiday

Friday 24 June 1pm – school closes for holiday




Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

February 2022 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School                           

February 2022 Newsletter

Covid Guidelines:

We no longer require to minimise groupings of children in school so our assemblies will return to their old format of P1-3 and P4-7 rather than by stage. All other restrictions remain in place at the moment and I will update you when I receive updated advice.


Under current Covid guidelines we are required to open windows for ventilation. If your child is feeling it colder in school and would like to wear a hoodie or sweatshirt etc. over their uniform in class, this is perfectly acceptable.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Pay:

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.

School Lunches:

From March 2022, children will be expected to select their lunch choice at home, prior to coming to school. Guidance on how to do this will follow when we receive it. You will require to access Parent Pay to do this.

School Playground:

Miss Kennedy and I met with a landscape architect last week as a green space is planned for the playground. Unfortunately, the resurfacing of the remainder of the playground will not happen until the summer holidays. We have received confirmation that the fenced off games area will also be installed during the summer holidays. We are in the process of ordering new benches, planters and a shelter for the playground and the children will begin to see these items being installed in the coming months.

Dates for Your Diary:

Friday 2 April – School closes at 2.30 for holiday

Tuesday 19 April – School re-opens



Kind regards    Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

 January 2022 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School 


 January 2022 Newsletter


Our winter market was enjoyed by our children and we thank you for supporting this event even though we were unable to have parents and carers in attendance. The event made £1100 for our school fund.

Parent Council:

Our Parent Council ran a non-uniform day on the last day of term in December. They raised £116 and this money will be used to support the school. They hope to run a movie night once Covid guidelines allow for this type of event.


Under current Covid guidelines we are required to open windows for ventilation. If your child is feeling it colder in school and would like to wear a hoodie or sweatshirt etc. over their uniform in class, this is perfectly acceptable.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Pay:

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school are no longer able to accept cash payments.

If you are already using Parent Pay, please keep an eye on your balance and ensure you do not fall into arrears.

School Lunches:

From March 2022, children will be expected to select their lunch choice at home, prior to coming to school. Guidance on how to do this will follow when we receive it. You will require to access Parent Pay to do this. Failure to select meals in advance via Parent Pay could seriously limit the choices available to your child. Please ensure you have activated your Parent Pay account (see above)

Free School Meals:

From January all P5 children, in addition to P1 to P4 children, are now entitled to a free school meal.

To receive the additional out of term payments and clothing grant, eligible families of P1-P5 children should still apply for income-related Free School Meals:

Free Bus Travel:

From the 31st January, the Scottish Government has introduced free bus travel for anyone under the age of 22. A National Entitlement Card is required, without this you will be unable to travel for free on bus services in Scotland. To apply or further information visit:

Current Covid Guidelines:

Guidelines for school differ from the guidelines for the wider public. The current guidelines state:

  • Windows to be open where possible for ventilation
  • Large assemblies and gatherings should be avoided
  • No parents to be in school building unless for individual meeting or to support a child
  • Staff to wear masks in shared areas and where they cannot keep a 1 metre distance over a prolonged period of time
  • Hand hygiene to be encouraged

Dates for Your Diary:

Monday 14 – Wednesday 16 February (inclusive) – Half term break

Thursday 17 February – School re-opens


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

November 2021 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School

November 2021 Newsletter


Our winter market is normally a busy social event in school that many of our families enjoy. Current guidelines do not allow for gatherings in school. However, we will hold a scaled back market for the children of Friday 10 Dec. Details to follow from Miss K Kennedy.

Parent Council:

Our Parent Council are keen to continue fundraising for the school within the current guidelines. To start this off they will hold a non-uniform day on the last day of term, Wednesday 22nd December. A donation of £1 would be gratefully received. All money raised will be used by the Parent Council to support the school.


Under current Covid guidelines we are required to open windows for ventilation. If your child is feeling it colder in school and would like to wear a hoodie or sweatshirt etc. over their uniform in class, this is perfectly acceptable.

We also have some small amounts of branded school uniform available at discounted prices. The school is now cashless, so these are only available via ParentPay – please login to se these options on your child’s account.

RRP £20.40 – ParentPay price £15
Shop RRP £15.80, ParentPay price £10


Work is ongoing to complete the new nursery building. Once this is complete, the playground will be resurfaced and plans are underway for a fenced off multi-use games area (MUGA). I have been advised that playground resurfacing, new markings, new storage and a green space will all be completed before we return after the summer holidays in August 2022. The school are reviewing our finances to try and fund new seating and planters for the playground and potentially some kind of shelter/shade.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent/Carer Evenings:

School interim reports will be issued in the coming days. Please look for this in your child’s schoolbag.

Parent Pay:

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.

School Lunches:

From January 2022, children will be expected to select their school lunch choice at home, prior to coming to school. Guidance on how to do this will follow when we receive it. This will be completed via ParentPay so please ensure you activate your account.

Dates for Your Diary:

Friday 10 December: Winter Market – children only (details to follow)
Wed 22 December: School closes for Christmas holidays at 2.30pm
Wed 5 January: School reopens

Kind regards

Lesley Murrie, Head Teacher

New Glasgow south side primary school – consultation

The purpose of this consultation is to propose options for a new primary school to be situated on the south-side of the city, but which would also serve part of the city centre. As part of this proposal, a new catchment area would be defined for the proposed new school and a new catchment area for the proposed associated secondary school. The catchment areas of schools in the locality would also be changed as a result of the proposal.

As part of Glasgow’s ambitions to regenerate the Gorbals/Tradeston/Laurieston and Govanhill areas of the city, a significant amount of new housing has been constructed in these neighbourhoods.  As a result of this, a number of schools have experienced increasing rolls, and steps have had to be taken to ensure that there was sufficient capacity for catchment area children.

In addition, the Council is embarking on a strategy of re-populating the city centre in line with its “City Centre Living Strategy” and as such, there will be a requirement to provide a bespoke education provision for families wishing to relocate to the southern end of the city centre.

The full consultation document and information on how to respond to the consultation are available at

We will read and consider every submission. Once we have collated all responses we will produce a report which will be given to councillors who will then decide whether to go ahead with the proposals above.


The statutory consultation document is available at the establishments identified above, online at and at Education Services, City Chambers East, 40 John Street, Glasgow, G1 1JL.


Where a Council brings forward proposals to close or make significant amendments to  schools there is a requirement to carry out a public consultation within the statutory framework defined by the Schools (Consultation)(Scotland) Act 2010.

Consultation papers have been distributed to a wide range of stakeholders and interested parties including:

  • Parents/carers/children(establishments affected by the proposals)
  • Appropriate staff
  • TheArchdiocese of Glasgow
  • OtherLocal Authorities
  • TradesUnions
  • CommunityCouncils
  • AreaPartnerships
  • Groupsformed under Part 2 of the Local Government in Scotland Act (2003)
  • Other users of school premises
  • Other relevant agencies

The indicative timetable for the consultation is as per the table below.

Date Action Location
21st October 21 City Administration Committee  
1st November 21 Start of Public Consultation Period  
9th November 21 Public meeting 7pm  Blackfriars Primary
17th November 21 Public meeting 7pm Bellahouston Academy
5th January 2022 End of Public Consultation Period  
  Education Scotland involvement  
To be confirmed Consultation response report published at least 3 weeks prior to City Administration Committee  
To be confirmed


Report to City Administration Committee  


Further information can be found here









October 2021 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School                          

Honesty     Respect     Kindness     Equality     Achieving     Fairness


October 2021 Newsletter

Welcome back after the October holiday. It is lovely to see everyone back and looking so smart in school uniforms.


Work is ongoing to complete the new nursery building. Once this is complete, the playground will be resurfaced and plans are underway for a fenced off multi-use games area (MUGA). I have been advised that playground resurfacing, new markings, new storage and a green space will all be completed before we return after the summer holidays in August 2022. The school are reviewing our finances to try and fund new seating and planters for the playground and potentially some kind of shelter/shade.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent/Carer Evenings

Due to current Covid-19 restrictions we cannot have parents in the school building. Staff are currently completing interim reports as a substitute for our November Parent/Carer Evening. We hope to issue these at the end of November. Please continue to call the school with any concerns so that we can offer support.


At this time in the year I would normally be sharing information about Diwali, St Andrew’s Day and Christmas events for you to attend, but as you know, these events will not be open to parents and carers. We will celebrate with the children in school.

Parent Pay

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.

Parent/Carer Survey

Thanks to those who responded to our survey. The survey remains open if you would like to provide feedback.

Dates for Your Diary

Friday 5 November: Diwali celebrations in school (non-uniform day)


Kind regards,

Lesley Murrie, Head Teacher

 September 2021 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School                          

Honesty     Respect     Kindness     Equality     Achieving     Fairness


September 2021 Newsletter

House System

This session our new House Captains and Vice Captains have been reviewing our house system and the children have told us that the houses don’t mean much to them. They have decided on four new houses and I have noted below some information on the person each house is named after.

BARBOUR HOUSE – named after Mary BARBOUR:

Mary Barbour led rent strikes in Govan and Partick in early 1900s after landlords tried to evict poor families. She campaigned for free school milk and more children’s playgrounds. Mary became one of the first female councillors after women were allowed to hold office.

HOY HOUSE – named after Sir Chris HOY:

Chris Hoy is eleven-times a world champion and six-times an Olympic champion. With a total of seven Olympic medals, six gold and one silver, Chris Hoy is the second most decorated Olympic cyclist of all time. He is an ambassador for UNICEF and for SAMH.

AZZUDIN HOUSE – named after Amal AZZUDIN:

Amal’s passion for human rights and social justice began when she rose to fame as one of the Glasgow Girls in 2005. Along with six other school girls from Drumchapel High School, she campaigned against dawn raids, and the detention and deportation of asylum seekers in Glasgow.

Their story has since been turned into two BBC documentaries, a stage musical and a television musical drama:

Amal is an ambassador for the Scottish Refugee Council and has been named as one of the Young Women’s Movement Outstanding Woman of Scotland.

HAINING HOUSE – named after Jane HAINING:

Jane Haining lived in Pollokshields and worked and worshipped in Govanhill. She travelled to Hungary to be a teacher and missionary. Jane protected Jewish families and pupils from the invading Nazis. She was found out and taken to Auschwitz where she was killed for her beliefs. Jane was a largely forgotten hero but has more recently been recognised and a hero of the Holocaust.


Barbour House (Green) Captains/Vice Captains Hoy House (Blue)  Captains/Vice Captains Azzudin House (Yellow) Captains/Vice Captains Haining House (Red) Captains/Vice Captains
Hala Al Fadel
Amal Abukar
Sundas Fatima
Zeenat Hussain
Gabriel Klein
Romy Armour
Sohail Sollehe
Sarah Majid
Awais Hassan
Rehan Ali
Faryal Sheikh
Richard Gazi
Fakiha Asif
Harry Singh
Danish Hussain
Subhan Akram
Qasim Saeed
Anisa Abukar
Kaif Malik

The children were excited to receive their house badges in the colour of their house. Please encourage your child to wear their house badge every day so that everyone knows what house they are in.

School Group Members:

Digital Leaders Young Interpreters Pupil Council Growing Good Citizens
Chloe Hughes
Azhan Khan
Max Baig
Jibran Mohammed
Mohamed Al Fadel
Aws Omar
Ahmed Ahmed
Grace Miller
Shazaib Akram
Jason Malek
Talha Ahmad
Yaser Ahmed
Ali Haider
Ali Iqbal
Terezia Isztojka
Zara Munir
Umama Asif
Hasan Akram
Mario Gabor
Sara Lingurar
Jozef Mitac
Sumlina Bashir
Ryan Meggatt
Fiza Arif
Sean Malek
Washma Basra
Claudia Turtakova
Lara Walker
Leon Mullan
Mohammed Bilal
Milo Wisz
Raees Uddin
Sean Malek
Grace Miller
Abir Miah
Arham Mohammed
Muhammad Waleed
Idrees Mohammed
Soraya Neto Duarte


Over the coming months there will be a variety of teaching students joining us at Cuthbertson. You may see them around school or in the playground.


Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.

Parent Evenings:

We are awaiting advice on whether we will be issuing interim reports or having face to face appointments.

Seesaw Family:

This is our main communication platform so please contact the school is you have issues downloading, accessing or using this app.

Macmillan non-uniform day and coffee morning:

With your support the school raised a fantastic £426 for Macmillan Cancer Support

What’s on:

Fri 8 October:    School closed for staff training – no children to attend

Mon 11 Oct:       School closed all week for holiday

Mon 18 Oct:       School opens and children return


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher

August 2021 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School            


August 2021 Newsletter

Welcome back to Cuthbertson after what has been a second year of disruption for all of us. I offer a special hello to all the new families who have joined us in Primary One and throughout the school. We are still doing things differently this year for the health and safety of us all. As restrictions in schools ease, I will keep you informed on any changes to procedures.


The class teachers for this session are:

P1C Miss Carswell   P5M Mrs MacTavish
P1M Miss McGregor   P5/6H Mr Harris
P1/2 Miss Collins   P6S Mrs Shaikh and Mrs Gillies
P2 Miss Fulton   P7C Mrs Canzanella
P3M Mrs Martin   P7M Miss Mowatt
P3R Miss Rozite   Nurture Mrs Wood
P4K Mrs Kebabti   NCCT/Nurture/

Support/Child Development Officer/School Development

Mr McGrath; Mrs Harris; Mrs McNaught; Miss Young; Mrs McFadden (CDO); Mrs Bashir (CDO); Mrs Salisbury (Principal Teacher); Mrs Wood
P4/5H Miss Hamilton      


Support for Learning Staff:

Mrs Doherty; Mrs Hussain;  Mrs Johnston;  Mrs McAreavey; Mrs Naeem;  Mrs Kernack (Willoughby); Mrs Hamilton; Mrs Aftab

  English Additional Language


Mrs Ahmad

Mrs Chalmers

Mrs El Harek

Miss Melville (Principal Teacher)



Senior Management Team:

Mrs Murrie – Headteacher

Miss K Kennedy – Depute Headteacher (responsible for P4-7)

Miss G Kennedy – Depute Headteacher (responsible for Nursery – P3)



Office Staff:

Mrs Glen (Wed & Fri)

Miss Kinsey

Mr Osborne

Stevie Martyn (janitor)

Interpreting Services:

Madalin – Romanian

Roman – Slovakian

Mrs Ahmad – Urdu

Other languages supported on request via central interpreting services or our Young Interpreters



I am pleased to see all children wearing their school uniform this session and would like to thank parents for their support with this. If you have not done so already, please ensure that items of clothing, including jackets, are labelled with your child’s name to avoid loss. Clothing grants for school uniforms can be accessed online at as we are no longer provided with paper forms.


P.E. often takes place outside. Please ensure your child has appropriate P.E. kit for indoor and outdoor P.E.


Homework will be issued in various formats, but most often, homework will be issued and completed via Seesaw.

Dropping off and Collecting Children:

We continue with our soft start and end to the day with gates and doors open from 8.50am and again from 2.50pm.

Unfortunately we are still unable to have parents in the school grounds and I continue to monitor Scottish Government updates for any changes to this directive.

Parent Council:

Please consider joining our small, friendly Parent Council group. We would love to have your support and views. If you would be interested, please contact me through the school office. Language  barriers are not an issue as interpreters can be arranged. Our first meeting of the session will be early September.

Healthy Eating:

Please support our healthy eating initiative by providing healthy snacks and lunches in regular size portions. No takeaways or items such as family size bags or crisps or packs of pastries are permitted. Please remember to provide your child with a water bottle.

Absence during term time:

Please be aware that we cannot authorise or support term time travel as this has a negative impact on your child’s learning. Any travel arrangements made during term time will require supporting evidence, such as travel documents to be presented to the school office. Due to school waiting lists in the area, extensive travel may result in your child being removed from the school roll. In addition, any travel to an area that requires quarantine on return, will result in a further two week absence for your child and a further period without teaching. Please support your child by ensuring maximum attendance.


Please contact the school if your child is unwell and cannot attend school. Where symptoms may indicate Covid please book a Covid test through NHS Inform website or by calling 119. Should your child or a family member test positive for Covid, please follow instructions given by the Test and Protect team. Lateral flow tests can be delivered free to your home should your family wish to take regular testing at home.

If your child develops potential Covid symptoms in school, he or she will be escorted to the medical room, where they will be supervised until collection.

Where there is a positive case in a class, it is no longer the policy to isolate whole groups or classes. Our school will follow any guidance received from the Test and Protect team.

Face Coverings:

Face coverings are still mandatory for staff in common areas or where they are working in close proximity with others.

Cleaning and hygiene:

Children are still encouraged to wash their hands/use hand sanitiser regularly. We have been assigned a day cleaner from 10am-2pm every day for enhanced cleaning of high touch areas.


This is our default method for communication with children and families due to the high cost of text messaging. Please ensure you have the Seesaw Family app downloaded and that the school has a parental email address. Contact the school office should you require any assistance setting this up.

Playground Update:

We have had a partial resurface of the playground over the summer with the other areas to be completed over Easter and next summer. An enclosed multi-use games area is also conformed for installation next summer. We have also received confirmation of a new green space which will be created within the grounds. The playground will have new markings applied and there will be some external improvements to the janitor’s house.

School Holiday Dates 2020-2021: Please keep on your fridge!

September weekend Friday 24 and Monday 27 September 2021
In-service Day 3 Friday 8 October 2021
October break Monday 11 to Friday 15 October 2021 (inclusive)
Christmas/New Year School closes at 2.30pm on Wednesday 22 December 2021

Thursday 24 December to Tuesday 4 January 2022 (inclusive)

Return to school Wednesday  5 January 2022
February Holiday Monday 14 February to Tuesday 15 February 2022 (inclusive)
In-service Day 4 Wednesday 16 February 2022
Spring Holiday (Easter)


School closes at 2.30pm on Friday 1 April 2022

Monday 4 April to Monday 18 April 2022 (inclusive)

Return to school Tuesday 19 April 2022
May Day Monday 2 May 2022
In-service Day 7 Thursday 5 May 2022
May Day Friday 27 May 2022
June Queen’s Jubilee Thursday 2 June to Friday 3 June 2022
Schools close Friday 24 June 2022 at 1pm
Return date for teachers Mon 15  August 2022
Return date for pupils Wed 17  August 2022


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher


Previous newsletters can be found here