Cuthbertson Primary School
Our Christmas Market takes place on Friday 6th December with children visiting the stalls on Friday morning and parents/carers attending the market in the afternoon.
Parent Council
Our Parent Council meet twice each term. Please pop in to see me if you would like to come along to one of our meetings.
Feedback from Parent/Carer Survey
Thank you to the parents/carers who completed our Two Stars and a Wish survey recently. We have noted that some of our parents/carers of children in P1-P3 would like a workshop on Seesaw. This will be offered after the Christmas holidays.
Almost all of our children are wearing school uniform. Please not that non-uniform items such as jeans are not acceptable as school uniform. Thank you for your continued support in this area.
Parent/Carer Evenings
Thanks to all who attended our recent Parent/Carer Evenings.
Rights Respecting Schools Award
Cuthbertson Primary have re-registered for this award and are working towards the Bronze level.
Dates for Your Diary
Tue 3 Dec: Santa’s Grotto for families (letter has been issued)
Wed 4 Dec: Santa’s Grotto for children (letter has been issued)
Wed 4 Dec: Christmas Jumper or dress as you please
Wed 4 Dec: Big Noise Christmas Concert (Elim Church 4pm)
Fri 6 Dec: Christmas Market – children in the morning and adults in the afternoon
Mon 9 Dec: Panto in school for all children
Tue 10 Dec: School Christmas Lunch (turkey, fish and sandwich options)
Thur 12 Dec: Christmas Nativity/Concert (morning for P1-3 / afternoon for P4-7 – details to follow)
Tue 17 Dec: P1, P5 & P5/6 Christmas Party (children can dress down or wear party clothes on this day)
Wed 18 Dec P3, P6 & P7 Christmas Party (children can dress down or wear party clothes on this day)
Thur 19 Dec: P2, P4 & P4/5 Christmas Party (children can dress down or wear party clothes on this day)
Fri 20 December: School closes 2.30pm
Mon 6 January: School reopens
Kind regards
Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher