November 2023 Newsletter

Cuthbertson Primary School 


Our Christmas Market takes place on Friday 8th December with children visiting the stalls on Friday morning and parents/carers attending the market in the afternoon.

Parent Council

Our Parent Council meet most Thursday mornings in school. Please feel free to pop along for a cuppa.

Feedback from Parent/Carer Survey

Thank you to the parents/carers who completed our Two Stars and a Wish survey recently. It is lovely to receive positive feedback about our improved playground space. Please look out for a survey in the coming months from our Pupil Council.


Almost all of our children are wearing school uniform. Please note that non-uniform items such as jeans are not acceptable as school uniform. Thank you for your continued support in this area.

X (formerly known as Twitter)  

Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for tweets and updates.

Parent/Carer Evenings

Thanks to all who attended our recent Parent/Carer Evenings.

Parent Pay

Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.

Dates for Your Diary

Wed 6 Dec: Santa’s Grotto (details to follow by email)

Fri 8 Dec: Christmas Market – children in the morning and adults in the afternoon

Tue 12 Dec: School Christmas Lunch (turkey*, fish and Quorn fillets options – *halal available)

Thur 14 Dec: Christmas Concert (details to follow by email/Seesaw)

Tue 19 Dec: P1 & P5 Christmas Party (children can dress down or wear party clothes on this day)

Wed 20 Dec P2, P6 & P7 Christmas Party (children can dress down or wear party clothes on this day)

Thur 21 Dec P3 & P4 Christmas Party (children can dress down or wear party clothes on this day)

Fri 22 December: School closes 2.30pm

Mon 8 January: School reopens 9am


Kind regards   

Lesley Murrie,

Head Teacher

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