Cuthbertson Primary School
Covid Guidelines:
Our restrictions have eased and schools are now advised to follow general workplace guidance, which recommends face masks for adults in communal areas and physical distancing. This will allow us to start having small numbers of parents in the school building for certain events. Please continue to support us by wearing a face covering when in the school building. I will advise you of any further easing of restrictions in school buildings as we moved towards the end of term.
Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.
Parent Pay:
Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Failure to select meals in advance through Parent Pay may result in your child not having access to their preferred choice of meal.
Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.
Progress reports for your child will be issued later this term.
Dates for Your Diary:
Monday 2 May – Holiday
Thursday 5 May – Staff development (school closed to children)
Friday 6 May – Eid Celebration for our children in school
Friday 27 May – Holiday
Wednesday 1 June – Go Yellow Walk (children involved will receive further information)
Thursday 2 June – Friday 3 June (inclusive) – holiday
Friday 24 June 1pm – school closes for holiday
Kind regards
Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher