Cuthbertson Primary School
March 2022 Newsletter
Covid Guidelines:
After the Easter holidays restrictions on parents and carers in the school building will ease. We will be able to begin having small numbers of parents in the building, following the remaining school guidelines of physical distancing and mask wearing. This will allow us to support transitions to Primary 1 and celebrate our P7 leavers. We hope to also restart one of our family learning groups in the summer term.
Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.
Parent Pay:
Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Failure to select meals in advance through Parent Pay may result in your child not having access to their preferred choice of meal. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.
School Playground:
We have begun to accept delivery of various planters and fittings that will enhance our playground in the coming months. At the moment we are still on schedule for the remainder of the playground to be resurfaced and the multi-use games area to be installed over the summer holidays.
New Nursery Building:
The current plan is for Govanhill Nursery children and Cuthbertson Nursery children to move to this new building, adjacent to the school, in August. The new nursery is called Victoria Road Nursery School and the new Head of Nursery is Nicola George (current head of Govanhill Nursery).
Progress reports for your child will be issued in term 4.
Attendance, absence and appointments:
Parents are reminded that the school day starts at 9am. Please ensure your child arrives before this. Children absent for vomiting/diarrhea should remain off school for 48 hours from the last incident.
Appointments for doctors, dentist etc should be booked outside of school hours where possible to reduce the disruption in class for your child and other pupils.
Dates for Your Diary:
Friday 1 April – School closes at 2.30 for holiday
Tuesday 19 April – School re-opens at 9am
Monday 2 May – holiday
Thursday 5 May – staff development (school closed to children)
Friday 27 May – holiday
Thursday 2 June – Friday 3 June (inclusive) – holiday
Friday 24 June 1pm – school closes for holiday
Kind regards
Lesley Murrie , Head Teacher